Chapter 20

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Third person POV

Jai and Alisha remain in a awkward silence on the long trip home. The streets are empty now and the only shops open are the fast food places that travellers stop by for late night snacks.
"I'm sorry I ignored you" Jai speaks glancing once at Alisha and back out the window.
"It's fine, I'm a fairly annoying person anyway" Alisha smirks.
"You're not annoying, you're great. I was just caught up in some stuff.. Personal issues."

Alisha nears their local suburb, turning near her favourite cafe, the cafe where she met Jai originally.
"Would you like me to drop you at home or -"
"Can we, hang at your place? I just need to get away for awhile" Jai asks in a pleading tone. Alisha can't help but smile. "Of course, of course. Cody's out on business till the end of the week so... Yeah" Alisha replies and drives straight past Jai's house and towards Nomed Street.

Pulling up in the 2 car spaced driveway, Alisha flicks off the ignition and just sits in the car for a moment. Jai twists his body around in his seat, facing Alicia.
"I hope you can forgive me" Jai shakes his head. Alisha lets a small laugh and shakes her head also.
"Jai, seriously it's fine. You had stuff to deal with and I respect that. Now let's get inside quickly before it rains". Jai agrees and opens the door along with Alisha, Jai shoves his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie and looks up.
"Security camera's huh?" Jai smirks.
"Uh yeah, some pretty creepy stuffs been happening. I don't want to die anytime soon" Alisha giggles and sticks a key she got freshly cut out today to replace the missing one in the door and unlocks it, pushing it open wide enough for the both of them to walk through.

"I've always loved your house" Jai randomly blurts. Alisha cracks a smile.
"It's nothing special. Coffee?" She offers Jai.
"Please" he sighs as he collapses on the couch, burying his face in a cushion. Alisha smiles and goes off to the kitchen to prepare the beverages. Jai quickly sits up, checking if the coast is clear and pulls out his phone, scrolling down to Luke's contact.

'I saw you on the roof man, be careful.'

Less than 30 seconds later Jai's phone vibrates.

'It won't matter after tomorrow. I'll see you soon.'

Jai reads Luke's reply and shoves his phone in his pocket, not bothering to reply.
"Here you go" Alisha smiles and hands Jai a hot cup of coffee.
"Tah" he grins and sips the drink.
"When do you go back to work?" Jai asks as he crosses his right leg over his left.
"Monday, I'm kinda of excited, I've missed it. But I'm still worried" Alisha explains.
"Worried about what?" Jai asks, shuffling towards Alisha.
"Luke, they still haven't found him, I'm worried that he could be hurt or he could hurt someone, for heavens sake it's been 3 weeks! The police should have found him by now" Alisha groans. Jai looks down in guilt.
"Everything will be okay" Jai gives a reassuring smile and rubs Alisha's back soothingly.

Luke lurks in the shadows outside, peeking in the window and watching Alisha's every move. Luke reaches in his pocket and grabs out his knife, flicking it open and gripping it tightly. His eyes darken as he watches his brother place his hands upon his love. Jai turns his head just enough to catch his brother at the window. Jai shakes his head, giving Luke a silent message to abort. Luke simply nods and walks away. Probably to go slash a traveler.

"You can go to sleep you know, I'll just crash on the couch" Jai sweetly whispers in Alisha's ear. Alisha tosses and looks up from Jai's lap.
"I'm not tired" Alisha yawns.
Jai huskily chuckles, "not at all".
"Your laugh reminds me of Luke" Alisha smiles as she closes her eyes and tucks her hands under her head for a pillow. "If only you knew sweetheart" Luke smirks as he leans over the couch and strokes Alisha's cheek.


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