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     Giovanna Potter. The girl who lived. Who had a twin brother that knew nothing of her, or the wizarding world. Nothing.

    "Giovanna!" Ron Weasley shouted. I groaned and shoved my pillow over my head. I heard voices and the usual Weasley morning commotion. But, I'm not a Weasley, and no one could keep that a secret for long. I lived with them, but I was most certainly not one. Not with their ginger hair and my dark brown hair. And no one could hide the lightning bolt shaped scar that laid on my forearm for long, either. I'm the girl who defeated Voldemort (He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named! Don't say his name, Giovanna!), along with my twin brother, Harry. Except, I've never met Harry.

     On the night my parents, James and Lily Potter, died, Hagrid had orders to take Harry and I each to safety. One of us was to go to our Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, and they're muggles. The other was to go to a large wizard family, which happened to be the Weasleys. I guess I was just the luckier twin, since, what I've heard from Hagrid, who stops by every so often, Harry gets treated like a dungbomb. I can't wait to meet Harry, and Hagrid said I could come with him when it's time to tell Harry about the wizarding world.

     I don't know much about my brother, obviously, so I can't tell if he'll be like me or different. I'm different than the Weasleys who all get Gryffindor and are the brightest family there is. I have an aching suspicion I'll be put in Slytherin. And although Slytherin has a reputation of being bad, I'm not sure if it really is, for me, or not.

     "Giovanna come on! You need to be energized today!" Ron called through my closed bedroom door. I threw the pillow off of me and stood up. I was in my hand-me-down pajamas (the Weasleys aren't the richest family you'll meet) that was basically black sweatpants the tightened at the ankle and a Gryffindor t-shirt that was three sizes too big. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Ron standing there.

     "What do you want?" I mumbled, rubbing my tired eyes.

     "Uh, it's your birthday today, did you forget?" Ron grinned as my head snapped up and my eyes became fully awake. Not only was it my birthday, but today I get to meet Harry! "Get dressed, we're going out to get breakfast." Ron told me, and I nodded, then closed my door to change.

     I searched through my clothes and eventually found black leggings, a dark green short sleeved shirt, and the silver necklace I wear every day that has an H on it. Hagrid told me Harry has the same one but with a G on it, and he wears it every day. He just has no idea what it means, unlike me. I brushed my hair out and decided to leave it down since it was straightened. I was also happy because not only was I meeting my brother, but I was also turning eleven! I hurried out of my room and down the stairs into the living room where all the Weasleys were waiting for me by the fireplace, so we could floo to Diagon Alley.

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