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     After Harry, Ron, and I ate a little, well for Ron it was a lot, we started to head back to the Gryffindor common room. "Wait! I got gifts for you guys! I'll be right back." I told the boys. I hurried back down the stairs to the Slytherin common room. "Pureblood," I said quickly, and the door swung open. I hurried into the girl's dorms and searched my room until I spotted the presents I had gotten for the two boys. I had gotten things for Harry, Ron, Hermione, Noah, and Draco. I had already given Hermione her present, a new set of books that just came out. I forgot to give Noah his, but I might see him at the Malfoy Manor, so I didn't have to worry. I was waiting to give Draco his gift. 

     I got Harry a charm that had an P on it. I hadn't forgotten about the necklaces we both had that had each other's letters on them. I still wore my one with the H on it all the time. I think Harry wore his G one. I got an P one for him so he could have an initial for our last name, too. I got Ron  a huge variety box of candy. It included chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, pumpkin pasties, acid pops, cauldron cakes, chocolate cauldrons, fizzing whizzbees, licorice wands, and toffees. One, he'd better share, and two, he'd better not get diabetes. 

     I ran back up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room and dorms. I arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Caput Draconis," I recited the password. She frowned at me. 

     "You're not a Gryffindor. I can't let you in," She replied curtly. I scowled and opened my mouth to argue, when the portrait swung open from the inside. I saw Harry rolling his eyes at the picture. I smirked at the fuming painting and stepped inside. "Thanks," I nodded to Harry, who just shrugged and led me back over to the couches. Ron was sitting there and on the floor where some presents I put mine down so they joined the pile. I grinned at Ron who was gaping at the huge bag of candy. 

     "We got presents too." Harry said as we all sat down on the couches. Ron and I sat together and Harry sat across from us. "I want to go first." Harry said excitedly. This was probably going to be his most exciting Christmas in a long time, even if it was only with Ron and I. Harry had gotten Ron a quill that wrote down the correct answers on its own. I smirked when I thought about what Hermione would say. Harry turned to me. He gave me a small box. I opened it to see a silver P charm. I gasped and dropped the box in surprise, looking up at Harry. 

     "Harry open your present from me." I told him quickly. He opened it with a confused look on her face. His eyes widened when he saw the P charm that I had gotten him. The same exact one. Ron was looking back and forth between us, kind of scared. 

     "You two are weird." He shook his head. I laughed and went over to sit next to Harry. I helped him put the P charm on his chain, and then he did the same for me. I grinned at my identical twin. I walked back over to the other couch and took my place next to Ron. I smiled down at the silver necklace I wore that now said H.P.

     "Alright now my turn." Ron exclaimed. Ron had gotten Harry a set of chocolate frogs and me a set of butterbeers. I loved them. I then handed Ron the huge box of candy. He grinned gleefully at it. "You have to share, because I don't want you getting fat or diabetes." He nodded, and started opening the package. I sighed and shook my head.  

     After goofing off with the two boys, we decided to go down to the courtyard. I figured it wasn't that cold, so I just grabbed an extra one of Harry's Gryffindor scarfs and put that on as we walked outside. The second we were out, an owl came and landed on my shoulder. It was Ivory, and she held a letter in her beak. "Well that was fast," I mumbled to myself as I took the letter from her. Ivory flew over to Harry and let him pet her. The three of us sat on a bench as I opened the letter form Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Dear Giovanna,

        After considering it, we think it's okay for you to go to the Malfoy's Ball. Just stay safe and have fun! We love you!

The Weasleys

     I hadn't realized that Harry and Ron had been leaning over my shoulders and had read the note. Harry was fuming, and Ron just looked confused. "You're going to Malfoy's Christmas party?" He cried. "When were you going to tell us this?"

     "Woah there, calm down." I raised my hands defensively. "I only was invited this morning. I didn't know about it. And if the Weasleys' said no, then there would be no point in telling you. So I was waiting for their reply." I explained.

     "So you're going?" Ron asked, looking a bit let down. "But... what about the investigation? About Nicholas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone?" Harry nodded in agreement. 

     "You guys keep finding more information. I'm going to go just to see what the Malfoy's are really like. And I won't be alone, Noah will be there." I argued. 

     "Noah?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows. 

     "A Hufflepuff she's friends with." Harry told Ron. 

     "Oh well if Noah keeps you safe then I guess you can go." Ron rolled his eyes at my glare.

     "I'm going to go pack. Here," I gave the scarf back to Harry and walked back into the castle, going to pack for my trip to the Malfoy Manor. I also wrote a quick letter to Draco saying that I can come. An hour later I got a reply saying he and his parents would pick me up tomorrow morning. Meaning I would spend a whole day with the Malfoy's. Can't wait. 

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