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     I woke up groggily the next morning and checked the time. If what Draco had said in the letter was true, the Malfoy's would be arriving at Hogwarts to pick me up in two hours. Plenty of time. I pulled out my trunk from under my bed and started packing. I packed my pajamas, which were really just black joggers and a forest green t-shirt, a green dress for the ball, and regular clothes, as in black jeans and a short sleeved green button up shirt. I also made sure to my silver necklace with Harry's initials, a silver ring with a snake design, and a green and black Slytheirn ring.

     I then changed into regular skinny jeans with a black long sleeved sweater that was buttoned up over a white collared shirt. I brushed out my hair and left it down, then slipped my wand into my back pocket. I then left the Slytherin common room and hurried down to the Great Hall to eat and say goodbye to Harry and Ron. I saw the two Gryffindor boys sitting and talking. Leaving my trunk by the doors, I walked over to them.

     "Hey," I sighed as I sat down on Ron's left. Harry was on his right. "I know you both are still upset, but I just wanted to say bye." I shrugged, taking a waffle from the plate of them and biting into it. I stood and was about to walk away when Ron stood too.

     "Stay safe, and merry Christmas," He sighed, grinning slightly as he held out his arms. I smiled and hugged him. Harry stood too. "Be careful. Love you," Harry huffed, rolling his eyes as I hugged him tightly.

     "Love you both! Keep up the investigation, but don't take action without Hermione and I." I winked at them and grabbed my trunk by the doors. I waved one last time to the two boys then exited the Great Hall and walked out the the courtyard. A second later, POP!

     Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy where standing in front of me. They had apparated. Draco stumbled. It was probably his first time apparating. This would be my first time. Draco grinned at me. Narcissa smiled sweetly, and Lucius just looked at me. It wasn't a death glare, though, so that was something.

     "Hi!" Draco breathed happily. He seemed really excited.

     I waved to the boy. "Um, I'm Giovanna." I said cautiously to Draco's parents. Lucius nodded, already knowing. But not for the reason I had expected.

     "We know. Draco doesn't stop talking about you." Lucius drawled. My small smile fell as I looked at Draco, who was a bright red.

     "All good things, of course." Narcissa reassured me, then looked knowingly at Draco. What she knew? I didn't know. "Now come on, we won't bite," She said. She was much nicer than Lucius, and my smile came back. "I'll hold Draco and Lucius's hands, and you can hold Draco's hand." Lucius came over and held my truck in one hand, holding Narcissa's hand in the other. Narcissa grabbed her son's hand. I walked over and reluctantly held Draco's hand. He smirked.

     "Actually just hold my whole arm. I'm not good at this," He mumbled. I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arm around his anyways. Without warning, Hogwarts began to disappear. I felt my grip on Draco loosen, and held tighter. I felt his hand grab mine.

     "Don't let go!" I heard him exclaim.

     "Why would I?" I cried. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I felt my feet hit the floor, I opened my eyes. Lucius and Narcissa had already seperated from Draco and I. Draco and I were standing there, holding each other. Draco still had his eyes closed. "Draco," I mumbled. He opened his eyes, then quickly stepped away from me.

     "Draco, how about you show Giovanna to her room and then give her a tour of the manor?" Narcissa suggested. Draco looked at me and shrugged.

     I nodded. "Sure. And thank you for letting me stay here, Mrs. Malfoy." I told her. She smiled at me, then Draco grabbed my hand again and pulled me away.

     He led me up a huge white stone staircase. Growing up with the Weasley's, I've never actually seen a house this big. I stared in awe at the fancy interior. Draco brought me down a hallway that held four rooms with huge doors. He pointed to the biggest one. "That's my parent's room." He then pointed to the door next to that room. "That's my room," then pointed to the two doors across the hall. "Those are the two guest rooms. You can pick which one you want. The one on the left looks over the front door so you can see who's coming in and stuff. The right looks over the backyard." Draco explained.

     "I'll take the left one." I told him. He nodded and cupped his hands around his mouth. "DOBBY!" He yelled. A popping noise filled the air, and I saw a house elf appear. "Bring Giovanna's trunk up to her room." Draco told the elf.

     "Yes Master Draco," Dobby nodded and hurried away. Draco looked at me. "Okay, time for the rest of the tour."

     It was now late at night. After Draco had finished the tour, we just sat around and played wizarding chess, exploding snap, and just talked. Draco walked me to my room and stopped outside the door. We both stood there quietly until I spoke. "Who else is coming tomorrow?"

     "Um... Blaise Zabini is, he's your friend. I think Crabbe and Goyle are, and..." Draco trailed off. I raised my eyebrows.

     "Who?" I asked.

     "Pansy." Draco said quickly and I groaned. "My parent's idea, I swear." I shook my head and pushed open the doors to my room.

     "It's okay. Noah's coming anyways." I smirked at Draco's appalled face. "Goodnight Snake Boy."

     "Goodnight Serpent Girl." Draco mumbled, but flashed be a quick smile before he turned in for the night.

     I shook my head, but smiled at the blonde haired boy. "Goodnight." I said, and went into my room, closing the door behind me. I gasped at my room.

     The floors were a shiny black tile, and the walls were painted white. The room was huge and elegant, with a green and black canopy bed. There black dressers on both sides of the bed that also served as nightstands. The window looking over the front yard was huge, and had a balcony. I pulled the black sheet curtains closed over them. Near the window were some white leather couches surrounding a black table. My trunk rested near the door. I unpacked my clothes and put them in a dresser. I changed into my pajamas and got into the bed.

     I know Zabini said I had to get Draco to stop liking me, and I'm pretty sure that's the right thing to do, but, I'm not sure if that's what I want. I'm not sure if I like Draco. And that's not good. The answer should be a definite no, I don't like him, but it's not.

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