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      The next week or so went by painfully slow. Christmas break had ended, and I was back at Hogwarts, continuing my lessons. Draco hasn't said a word to me and I was getting worried. I've been meaning to talk to him about it, but classes has kept me busy. As much as I hate the professor, I'm at the top of my class in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

     Now that it was the end of Friday, the sun had set, and classes were done for the week, I rushed over to the Gryffindor dorms. I haven't had the chance to talk to Harry, Ron, or Hermione since Christmas. The Fat Lady was being stubborn and not letting me in. Then the portrait hole swung open to reveal Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all looking confused. "Giovanna?" Harry asked, then Ron rushed forward and threw his arms around me.

     "Woah, Ron, didn't know you'd be so excited to see me." I laughed, but hugged the ginger back. 

     "Well, yes I am, but I'm also hugging you because of what you did! You stood up to Lucius Malfoy!" Ron cried excitedly. My smiled dropped.

     "You know about that?" I asked worriedly. Ron nodded. 

     "Everyone does," Hermione exclaimed, holding up a copy of the Daily Prophet. A segment of it was labeled, YOUNG POTTER THREATENS AND VERBALLY ATTACKS LUCIUS MALFOY, LEAVING HIS FAMILY TO SHAME.

     "I didn't threaten him! And I didn't leave them to shame!" I cried, then realization hit me. That's why Draco hasn't spoken to me! 

     "Well either way, you made my mum and dad proud," Ron beamed at me. I plastered on a fake smile and nodded. As soon as I was done with these three for the night, I was talking to Draco.

     "Anyways, I came here to tell you that I think we should talk to Hagrid," I told the trio.

     Harry nodded in agreement. "I think so, too. Let's go." And with that, Harry led Ron, Hermione, and I out of the castle and down to Hagrid's hut. We all knocked on the door, making a loud noise against the wood. 

     "Hagrid!" I exclaimed, and he opened the door.

     "Giovanna?" He asked, confused, then peered behind me. "Harry? Ron, Hermione?" I noticed he was wearing an apron and oven mitts. I smiled slightly. "Wasn't expecting company." His confusion turned to panic. "Don't mean ter be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain right now." He said, and started to close the door. 

     Harry and I held out I hands and pushed it back open. "We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" We both cry at the same time. Hagrid stopped trying to close the door.

     "Oh," He stated, then moved aside and let us in.

     "We think Snape's trying to steal it." Harry says as him and Hermione take a seat at the table while Ron and I sit on the couch. 

     "Snape? Blimey, Harry, yer not still on about him, are you?" Hagrid sighed.

     "Hagrid, we know he's after the stone, we just don't know why." I stated.

     "Snape's one of the teachers protecting the stone! He's not gonna steal it!" Hagrid cried. I was shocked.


     "You heard right. Come on, now, I'm a bit preoccupied right now," Hagrid stated, trying to usher us out the door.

     "Wait a minute," Harry thinks, "One of the teachers?" He asks.

     "Of course!" Hermione cries, "There's other things guarding the stone, aren't there? Some spells, most likely a few enchantments..." Hermione rambles.

     "That's right. Waste of time, if you ask me," Hagrid said. "Ain't nobody gonna get by Fluffy. Only me and Dumbledore know-" Hagrid stops mid-sentence, his eyes wide. I smirked. "Shouldn't have told you that. Should not have said that." He shakes his head at himself.

     Just then, the large cauldron  hanging over the fire in the fireplace begins to rattle. Hagrid jumps and then hurries over to it. He took out a large egg and placed it on the table. Ron and I join Harry and Hermione at the table to get a better look. "Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asks slowly.

     "I, um... it's a..." Hagrid trails off.

     Hermione looked closer at it. "I know what that is! But I hope I'm wrong. Hagrid, How did you get it?" She asked nervously. 

     "I won it. Off a stranger I met down in the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, now that I think 'bout it." Hagrid told us.

     The egg rattled once more and cracked. The thin shell split open to reveal a small, squeaking, black thing. My mouth fell open, and I was sort of mortified. "Hagrid, that's a dragon!" I cried.

     "That's not just any dragon! It's a Norwegian Ridgeback! Charlie told me about them!" Ron cried. I nodded. Charlie, Ron's brother, and another Weasley I had grown up with, was now working with dragons like these in Romania.

     "Isn't he precious?" Hagrid gushed. "Hello, Norbert!" 

     "Norbert?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

     "Yeah, well, he's gotta have a name, doesn't he?" Hagrid shrugged.

     "And that's the best you could come up with?" I frowned, but everyone ignored me. Norbert backs away and then hiccups, letting out a small fireball with a puff of smoke. I tuned out Hagrid, the others, and the dragon as I spotted something in the window. I squinted and walked over to the window slowly.

     "Who is it?" Hagrid asked. The person saw us looking and hurried away. I gasped, and glared. 

     "Malfoy," Harry and I exclaimed. Hagrid gulped.

     "Oh, dear."

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