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     I woke up and shivered. For a second I panicked, then remembered where I was. I was still in the little hut that shook in the wind. I looked next to me and smiled, seeing Harry. Last night Hagrid and I had explained to him all about the wizarding world, about me and our parents, and about Voldemort. He had a lot of questions, but so would I. It's just one of the many things we have in common.

     "Mornin' Giovanna," Hagrid said merrily. I smiled and stood up. "I'm taking you and Harry ter Diagon Alley fer yer supplies." Hagrid told me and I nodded.

     I heard movement and turned to see Harry awakening and standing up. We made eye contact and he grinned at me. I grinned right back. "All right guys, time ter go ter Diagon Alley. Giovanna, I'll drop you off at the Weasley's after, and Harry, I'll drop you off at the Dursleys." Hagrid explained. Harry and I groaned identically, then looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

     "Hagrid! Why does he have to go back there! Why can't he stay with me?" I whined, grabbing Harry's hand. He looked at me gratefully. Hagrid frowned.

     "Trust me, I wish he could. But Dumbledore's orders are ter bring him back there." Hagrid sighed. "Well don't be sad, we're going to Diagon Alley to get yer wands and robes and pets and everything else!" Hagrid exclaimed, and a smile spread across my face. I was getting my wand! "And you'll see each other in a week." 

     Hagrid brought us into the Leaky Cauldron and everything froze. People shushed others as Harry and I entered the building. Everyone was quiet until one woman called out, "It's Harry and Giovanna Potter!" Everyone began talking again and hurrying over to us. "Thank you, oh bless you for stopping He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" "Very sorry about your parents, they were amazing people." "You'll grow up to be an amazing witch, and you and amazing wizard!" 

     Me? I've heard it all before. I know how to reply. I know how to react. But Harry? He was taken aback. His eyes flew wildly between all the people surrounding us and he stuttered as he tried to talk. I sighed and spoke up. "Thank you, everyone!" Everyone quieted to hear me. "We appreciate all of the wishes and thanks, but we have to go get our supplies now!" Hagrid patted my shoulder and led Harry and I out of the Leaky Cauldron and to the brick wall that opened into Diagon Alley. 

     "I don't know how you just did that," Harry mumbled to me. I just smiled in return. Hagrid led us into Madam Malkin's Robes store first, and told he was going to go buy our books while we get our robes. Harry and I walked through the doors and I stopped in my tracks. There was Draco Malfoy, standing there and getting his robes fitted. Lucius Malfoy stood near he counter, talking to the person behind it. I gulped. 

     "Harry-" I started, planning to warn him about the Malfoys, but I couldn't.

     "Giovanna!" Draco called, stepping off the platform where he was getting his robes fitted and walking over to me. Harry looked between him and I. "Is this Harry?" Draco asked me, staring at Harry with wide eyes. I just simply nodded. Draco frowned. "It's a shame you had to live with such blood traitor family like the Weasleys, Giovanna. They probably taught you all the wrong morals. Especially that one that's our age, Ron? He's going to be the stupidest wizard Hogwarts has ever seen-" I clenched my fist.

     "Shut up, Malfoy." I mumbled. "Don't talk about them. They took me in and if they didn't I would have no idea who you are or what Hogwarts is because I would've lived with my muggle aunt and uncle that currently don't know I exist." Draco raised his eyebrows.

     "Okay, okay," He eyed me, but it wasn't with hate or his usual cockiness, it was with something I couldn't read. He stepped back onto the platform. Madam Malkin hurried over to Harry and I. I could tell today was a busy day for her, since everyone was coming to get their school supplies this time of the month. 

     "Ah, the Potters! What an honor! Giovanna, I'm going to send you into the next room over where the girls get fitted, and Harry you can step onto this platform right here next to Draco." She told us. I sent Harry and apologetic glance and hurried into the other room, leaving him with Draco. I walked into the girl's room and saw another girl my age standing on a platform. 

     "I thought I heard your name! Giovanna Potter, correct?" The girl asked me. She had bushy brown hair and a know-it-all look on her face. I saw a woman sitting in a chair across the room look up. She looked confused. She looked confused at this whole place. She was probably a muggle. This girl was probably muggle-born. I nodded and stepped onto the platform next to her.

     "Yeah, that's me. What's your name?" I asked her.

     "I'm Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure to meet you. Are you excited to go to Hogwarts? I've read Hogwarts, A History many times, and I'm definitely ready to go. I know all about each house and about the teachers and the classes. I think I'm most excited for Arithmancy, but I can only take it once I'm in the third year-" Hermione babbled, and eventually I drowned her out until she finished speaking and asked, "What about you?"

     "Huh?" I looked at her as Madam Malkin fitted me for my robes. 

     "I said, what do you think about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Hermione asked, treading lightly, for she probably thought this was a sensitive subject. It wasn't. I hated him, plain and simple. I wouldn't let him do this again.

     "I despise him. He killed my parents and almost killed me and my brother. I'll do anything in my power to stop him if he comes back." I said grimly.

     "So you wouldn't ever... join him?" Hermione asked slowly.

     "No! Would you?" I cried, offended that she could possibly think that. And even if she wanted to join Him, he wouldn't let her. I'm still sure she's a muggle-born. 

     "No, no, of course not! What he did was horrible!" Hermione cried. An awkward silence landed between us and it was broken by Madam Malkin.

     "Alright, your robes are done. Enjoy your first year at Hogwarts!" She said, and gave me a bag with my robes. I paid her and turned to Hermione. 

     "See you on the Hogwarts Express?" I asked, smiling a small smile. She grinned and nodded. "See you then!" I waved, and turned to go into the boy's room. Harry was by the door waiting for me, holding his robes. "How'd it go?" I grinned at him as we left the store to find Hagrid.

     "Malfoy's a monster," Harry mumbled and I laughed as we started walking down to road. It felt really good to hang out with someone who understood you.

     It felt really bloody good.

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