Chapter 1;

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Walking through this halls are slowly killing me. I hated this job. They cage up mutants, that are more advanced and smarter than us. They should be respected and treated equally but no, they treat those mutants like trash, like prisoners. We are clearly the fools, they have no right or no reason to be locked up.

I don't get it why they should lock them up, be mean and rude to them, give limited amount of food and worst of all, looking down on them when they are more smarter and advanced. I on the other hand, hate locking them up like they are monsters. Yes, maybe some of them should be caged up but it's only because they can't control themselves. Other than that, they should be free because most of them are well-behaved and look, Human.

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to working and taking care of them. I don't think they need to be tamed anyway. Let them be, I don't want them to feel presurred or feel the need to change for someone else.

I mentally slapped myself as I realized that I have to get the important documents and files of the mutants that i'm assigned to take care of.

You see, I was forced to work here. My dad is in charge, no wait, OWNS this facility. He thinks I should follow his footsteps which I would but only if he wouldn't torture these gifted creatures and treat them like trash.

I caught him hitting a female mutant once, Sandara Park is her name, I think. I pushed him aside when he was going to hit her in the face. After that, he hit me for protecting 'a useless creature' and left the room. I comforted the poor girl and she told me she had gotten even worse beating. Ever since then, I've never talked to my father ever again.

I walked towards my father's office and gave a slight knock.

"Come in."

I opened the door and calmly said "I just need the files of the mutants and the keys for their dorms then i'll be on my way."

It has been a long time since I have set foot in this office. Nothing different though, just more certificates and trophies that he didn't deserve to get were plastered and displayed everywhere.

My father nodded and I walked pass by him to the place where he would keep the files. I got what I needed and walked towards the door.

"I hope you understand my job, Sooyoung." my father said with a slight disappointment in his voice. I know what he clearly meant, what happened to Sandara the other day.

"Oh father, I clearly do. I'm pretty sure torturing the creatures that are more advanced than us is an understandable job." I replied and before he could reply to me, I went out of his office and slammed the door.

He fucking deserved it.

I quickly went to my office and looked through the files. The files are separated into 5. It seems more like a portfolio than a 'file'. I flipped to the first one and it read,

G-Dragon (Kwon Ji Yong)

Power/Abilities: Fire and extremely fast running speed.

Height: 1.77m

Born: August 18, 1988, Seoul, South Korea

'Wow, he's badass. I'm guessing this is the mutant that lead the pack..' I wondered to myself as I quickly closed the file and proceeded to the others and so I flipped,

Taeyang, SOL. (Dong Young Bae)

Power/Abilities: Metal claws coming out of hands.

Born: May 18, 1988, Uijeongbu, South Korea

Height: 1.61m

and again I flipped,

Daesung, D-Lite. (Kang Dae Sung)

Power/Abilities: Extreme strength and Good combat skills.

Born: April 26, 1989, Incheon, South Korea.

Height: 1.78m

and flipped,

Seung Ri, VI. (Lee Seung Hyun)

Power: Shapeshifting and Superhuman agility

Born: December 12, 1990, Gwangju, South Korea

Height: 1.76m

and quickly flipped to the next file,

T.O.P (Choi Seung Hyun)

Power/Ability: Healing factor, Skilled combatant, Master strategist & Mind reading. The Ability to control systems and minds of anything that lives.

Born: November 4, 1987, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea

Height: 1.81m

'Okay, that's it. Time to meet them.' I thought to myself with slight excitement.

I got out of my office, lock it and went on to their 'cells'. I prefer the term 'dorms' because 'cells' is too much like a prison. I felt a pang in my heart as I realized that i'm sugarcoating the harsh reality of this place. I shrugged and made my way to meet the new mutants.

I hope you enjoyed the book so far! It's kinda boring right now but trust me, the few chapters that will soon be posted will have more cool stuff in them! Thanks again for reading! Don't forget to vote!


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