Chapter 8;

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I was excited! We are finally here! I wanted to scream but then I realized the guys were sound asleep. I carefully poked Seungri on his side so he would wake up. He jerked and looked at me confused.

"We're here." I said while smiling.

He quickly got up and woke his hyungs up. I left him to it because I know he can handle it. I went to the trunk of my car and carried all the luggage out. As I finished unloading the luggages, I saw all the guys awake and out of the car. Taeyang came to approach me and helped carry the luggages. GD was the last out of the car and he was so groggy, he kept pouting and couldn't stop rubbing his eyes.

I lead them in the mansion to only find myself greeted by a man in a wheelchair. That must be Professor Hyun-suk. All of us gave him a bow and handshakes.

"Welcome to YG's School For Gifted Youngsters. You must be Sooyoung and these are Ji Yong, Young Bae, Daesung, Seungri and Seunghyun. I'm Proffesor Hyun-Suk but just call me Professor YG. Your dorms are on the 5th level which are dorms 54 and 55. We'll give out your lesson schedules tomorrow morning. I think you should start unpacking. Oh and Sooyoung, we need to talk." The boys nodded and gave a bow and left me alone with Professor YG.

"Let's talk in my office. We don't want to disturb the other students don't we?" He said while giving me a small reassuring smile. I nodded and followed him to his office.

As I entered the office, I can tell this school was built a long time ago.

"In case you were wondering why I called you here is because there is something different about you. Here on your resume, that your father forwarded to me, says that you are completely human?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Yes sir, I am human. There's no way I can be anything else." I said while giving a nervous laugh.

"Not a mutant?"

"No sir and I hope this dosen't affect on my stay here."

"No Sooyoung, it dosen't. It's just that, you tell me things but your aura tells me other things. You have the aura of a mutant."

You have the aura of a mutant.

You have the aura of a mutant.








"Sooyoung? Song Sooyoung?" I heard Proffesor YG's voice ringing in my head,

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drift off." I said while hanging my head low.

"Sooyoung. Listen to me, I know it's hard to take in but you have to understand that you might be mutant. Some people only realize it when they reach a certain age. Your's is still to await. Here's your dorm key. Rest well and see you tomorrow." He said while dismissing me. I gave a slight bow and went to my dorm with full of thoughts.


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