-Chapter 5-

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I was back in the odd cemented room. Raelynn was still standing in front of me, her freckle stained was squinted in confusion. The dream must have paused when I woke up this morning.

"I am in a dream right now." I outright told her.

"A dream? Are you going insane?" Raelynn questioned.

"Of course I'm going insane, I'm a writer." I smirked. The princess widened her eyes as if suddenly interested.

"But to answer your question, I am in a dream."

"Okay, no offense but I don't care about your dreams at the moment." Raelynn waved that thought away. "You're a writer?" She questioned, changing the subject rather quickly.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, what's it to you?"

The princess replaced her squinting with a small smirk.

"I'll show you," she started to open the door, "come on." She held the door open for me but I stayed put.

"And where are we going?" I questioned, not fully trusting this rebellious looking girl.

Raelynn's eyes transformed from an innocent playful blue color to a stormy grey one. She started to glare at me. I jumped. Did she not want to answer my question? Was she going to execute me?

Her eyes shut. Moments later, they opened and they were yet again blue.

"Your eyes..." I whispered, waiting for an explanation.

I know it is possible for the human eyes to change their color, but I've never saw them change.

"Huh?" Raelynn looked confused at first but then her eyes widened as if realizing something. "Stop changing the subject and follow me."

I smugly crossed my arms, "What if I don't follow you, huh? What will happen then?" She just glared at me for several moments.

"You say you are dreaming right now?" The princess asks, "Then if you don't follow me you will die in your sleep." The dark tone in her voice sent a shiver down my spine.

This girl really gave me the creeps. Apparently she's supposed to be a princess. Princess Raelynn seemed to be the opposite of a princess. She looked and acted like the type of angsty teen that would continuously say, "It's not a stage, mom!" But she was a princess. Not only a princess, but one from the Renaissance Period. It was all too strange.

"Okay fine. Let's go." I sighed and walked out the door.

To the right was the garden which no-one was in at the moment. I turned my head to the left but it was just a brick wall.

Raelynn noticed me looking at it.

"That wall leads to our sorcerer. Only magic is able to open it." She explains.

'Wow... A sorcerer... I didn't know that they actually exist!" I thought to myself, my body fidgeting just by the thought of it.

All of a sudden, I felt my body jerk forward. Raelynn had her hand wrapped around my wrist as she started to run to the door that was standing in front of us.

I suppose I may have been daydreaming since I hadn't noticed the door earlier.

My legs struggled to keep up with her. She yanked the door open and shoved me in there.

At first I thought it would be some sort of dungeon or execution room. I was dead wrong.

I was in a hallway. Not just your 'average' hallway. A grand hallway. Also, grandly large.

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