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Qibli was dissponted. And sad. And angry. And in love. His feelings were a big, jumbled mess— probably one Moon wouldn't fall for.

Hadn't he won her over? Well, maybe for a little bit he did. Moon chose him to come with her and spy on Darkstalker— NOT Winter.

And then, Winter nearly killed himself for Moon.

How could he compete with that?

Moon never left Winter's side while he sat in bed, barely breathing. It was a miracle he was still alive, and would be even more of a miracle if he woke up, fine and breathing.

I don't want to hurt Winter. He's my friend. I want Moon, too. Maybe while Winter's asleep... she could find out how amazing I am, and could be something more than Winter.

Just as he was making a schedule for tomorrow, (which was thinking of doing something fun with Moon, probably talking as they walked around.) Kinkajou ran up to him and screamed,


"Yes, Kinkajou? Are you OK? You seem... bouncier than usual." He asked, sliding his claw around in a crack in the wall. They were at a cave not far from Jade Moutain, with the Dragonets Of Destiny there, along with SeaWing guards Queen Coral assigned. All the students went home, back where they were safe. Safer than here, at least.

"Maaaaaaaaaaybe beacause Turtle likes me? And I don't know if I like him, because of fake spell feelings, and real ones? But I might? Maybe?"

"Hmm... well... don't come to me for love tips. It won't get you far." Qibli suggested. 

She smirked, (Like a smirk like this 😏 except a dragon face) as if saying 'What about Moooooon, you're girllllllllllfriend?'

The one Winter stole.

He silently scolded himself for thinking that.

"Well, see you later. I need to talk with someone." He smiled.

"Someone like Mooooooooooooon," She couldn't help smiling.

"Maybe." He turned and walked away, thinking about Moon. He always was.

"Moon," He said, coming in. This was his time with her. This was his shot.

Moon was meant to be with Qibli. She knew for sure. She just needed to know that.

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