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Winter and Moon... they loved each other.

Qibli knew Winter loved Moon. He didn't know she loved him, too. 

Moon had told him no. She also said... that she didn't love Winter, ether. Yet, Qibli still thought he had something.

It was nothing.


You broke Moon's heart countless times— and I fixed it— and how, but how, does Moon still love you?

Qibli collapsed on his moss bed. "Moon, I love you, and I know you love Winter, but I thought we had something...." He tried.

No! You can say that to her! 

"Moon... maybe you could give me a chance. I..."

No. Not that ether.

Even if he did find good words, it would be hard to speak to her. Maybe, he thought, I can give her a love note. Romantic. Perfect. And, if Winter finds it...


This is why she doesn't love you. Winter doesn't think such mean things about me. Maybe. What if he does think mean things about me? What if... I could somehow use magic to find ou—


Qibli had always wanted magic.


It was devastating when he found out he didn't have magic. It just... broke him. Though not as much as Moon broke Qibli when she said no to his love. Yep, it broke him more. Totally.

Qibli grabbed a scroll, and started writing...

To: Moonwatcher

Dear Moon,

Moon, I know you think you have feelings for Winter. But, I thought...

Qibli paused.

...we had something. Maybe not love... but maybe it was. Feelings are crazy, and Moon, there are no books or scrolls on feelings at the libraries you will ever and have visited. 

Let's start over. Maybe, we should try being together. I think... it might be worth it. 

We were meant to be together.

I love you.

From: Qibli, your maybe true love.

Qibli rolled the scroll up, beaming. He had done it. All it was was putting your heart on the scroll. Easy.

There. It was tucked in a little spot with moss peeling up. She would totally see it. All Qibli had to do was wait...


"I didn't know how I felt about you until recently," Moon said. "And when I did, I was ashamed of myself because... uh... no offense or anything, but you weren't the nicest dragonet. Qibli was. I was just about to force love towards Qibli... and lie that I loved him. But then... you almost died for me. I love you without a doubt."

"I—" Winter coughed. "I love you with all my heart."

He was laying down in the same bed he almost died in... it reminded Moon of the beginning of... everything.

Now me and Winter have a new beginning. 

This isn't the end— this is a new chapter.

Moon was about to fall asleep when she noticed somthing.

It was... a scroll.

It was perfectly new looking— Moon rembered grabbing some fresh scrolls from Jade Mountain while they rounded up the students and packed up supplies. 

Moon reached out and opened the scroll. Inside, it said...

To: Moonwatcher

Dear Moon,

Moon, I know you think you have feelings for Winter. But, I thought we had something. Maybe not love... but maybe it was. Feelings are crazy, and Moon, there are no books or scrolls on feelings at the libraries you will ever and have visited.

Let's start over. Maybe, we should try being together. I think... it might be worth it.

We were meant to be together.

I love you.

From: Qibli, your maybe true love.

Moon felt so sad and sorry once she was done reading it. 

"I'm so sorry, Qibli," she whispered. 

Tears rolled down her snout as she fell asleep. The thing was... Moon didn't love Qibli back. She knew she would have to choose. 

She didn't think it would be so painful.

Moon loved Winter.

Winter loved Moon.

Qibli couldn't accept that, and Moon knew he never would.

Soon, Moon was sleeping. She had cried herself to sleep. And now, she drifted off into a dream...

Guys. Guess WHAT? I have an AMAZING plot twist in mind. 



And, I gave you a long chapter so it could make up for all that time I didn't write. Sorry about that!



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