🍉Where The Mountain Meets The Moon: Part 2: A Full Chapter🍉

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Talk about a long title.
Nobody talks about that.

Kinkajou and Turtle sit in the middle of a cave.

"I enchant this piece of paper to turn into a map of the world. The map can teleport us whenever we say the key word Narwhal."

Since Turtle has his protector piece of jewlery, he won't go mad.

Color bursts through the paper. It swirls around and then bam! You can see all of Pyhirra.

And another continent.

Winter ❄

Winter sat up.

He looked around, then looked beneath him.

He was sitting on himself.

Winter floated up, away from Qibli, his dead body, and the guards. Off in the distance, he saw a speck of black.



He didn't even need to flap his wings. He simply burst through the air, faster than any SkyWing could ever fly.

He was getting closer to her. He could see her dip her wings and soar to the ground. He was there next to her in a small number of minutes.


She didn't say anything.

"Moon, I'm here. It's okay."

Moon burst into tears. She clawed at her head and sobbed.

Winter ran to her and tried to wrap his wings around her.


His wings went right through her.

"Moon." He said. "Moon. Moon, can you hear me? Moon! Moon! MOON! MOON CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

He burst into tears. They flowed down his snount and dripped through the ground.

"It's okay." A voice said. "I'm here too."


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