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Kinkajou turned around the corner. 

Where are you?

Maybe they were visiting Winter. She headed down a narrow hall, and poked her snout in the doorway.

No one was in there.

Seriously?! She thought, then smiled as it felt like a Hide and Seek game.

She went down a wide hallway, and walked into the kitchen for a snack. This mountain had many tunnels and caves. She would continue looking later.

"Hey, Kinkajou,"


"Um... why?" He asked.

Her eyes darted around to Sunny and Starflight. Tsunami was helping half of the five tribes reach home, Clay with the other half. Glory was doing her royal business.

"Somewhere secret!" Kinkajou whispered loudly.

"Okay, then. I know a place." He whispered back. 

She walked after Turtle, following him to the 'secret place'. 

Soon, they were in a place much like the underground river at school. Except, It was a lake, and a couple of mango trees were growing under a gap in the ceiling.

"Wooooow. Wow! This place is SO COOL!" Kinkajou cried. She sat down on a rock next to the water. Turtle sat down on another rock next to her.

"So... what is it?" He asked.

"I-I just... remember how you told me you liked me?" She asked.

"Of course."

She looked at her talons. "I might... like you back? Are those the words for I love you?"

He froze.

"Really?" Turtle said that as if it was impossible. 

"Yes! Of course it's true!" She answered joyfully. 

They leaned forward and tapped snouts. 

"I love you, too," Turtle said.

Sorry if you don't like what happened. Not everyone likes Turtlejou, but I do, so that will be a thing.

Also, here are some ships that might happen in the future, or ones that have happened, and will in other books that I write.






Qibli stays single (FOREVER!!)

And... that's it!


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