🔆We Are Not Alone🔆

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In a empty room, you are alone. When you are in a room jam packed with people, you are not alone. Though you may feel lonely. In the great grand scheme of the universe, you are never alone. Somewhere out there, unicorns dance in golden grass. Somewhere out there is three creatures. They are all friends. But things change. They want more than that, and only one wins the prize, or the other does.
If they had realized what would have happened over this, would they have acted out? Would one just shut up and let the other have it?

Winter stood there, his handsome scales shining, his perfectly carved face glistening in pain. His regal wings were wide open and beautiful, and he didn't even realize it. His spikes were like rainbows, the light from the sunset bouncing refracting off him in a way that made him look like a diamond on fire. Sparkly frostbreath seethed from his snout and mouth, clouding his face in a mysterious way.

Qibli stared at Winter.

"Your dead." Was all Winter could say.
He charged at Qibli, "You're DEAD!! DEAD DEAD DEAD!! YOU'RE DEAD. YOU MURDERER!! YOU. ARE. DEAD!!"

Qibli stepped back, letting the stronger dragons stop Winter. He was so powerful, so mighty, so strong that it took four guards to successfully hold him back.

Qibli gritted his teeth. I knew it. I should have watched. They should have listened to me! Would I have listened if someone told me Darkstalker was here and killed me? Even though it was useless, he brainstormed ways he could have ran away and saved himself. None seemed to work out.

Deep, deep deep deep deep deep deep down, he felt something tug at him.

How could my own friends believe Darkstalker that easily!? Did they really think... Over Moon...?

He stopped that train of thought instantly. What Winter did... What he was doing... Everything for her... Would Qibli have done the same? Would he have let someone throw him out of the sky for Moon?

Would he?

Of course, he thought. I love her. Simple as that.

Now, something else poked at him.

Thorn. Would you leave her behind? Have her ban you, have her hate you so much she didn't even want to look at you?

And not just Thorn, but everyone?

The entire SandWing tribe?

"NO! NO! HE'S A MURDERER! HE LIED, THAT STUPID STUPID--" Qibli winced as Winter started cussing at him. The guards tried to close his mouth, but he only bit them.

Let me explain, Qibli thought. There was obiously no way Winter would stop. This was not the time.

The other dragons behind Qibli started to back up. Winter snarled and cussed and screamed at them--at us, Qibli corrected himself-- and the younger dragons were taken back into the clouds.

This was Qibli's home. This was going to be Winter's home, too. In the clouds, where they all lived.

This place was the home of the dead dragons.

So. Sorry I didn't post for like two weeks. Just keeping the suspense. And maybe 'cause I was feeling lazy. But I feel good again. Glad I'm writing. Hope you have a good day!

Also, I'm starting this thing called The Post Emoji, and it changes on every post. Mayben just MAYBE if you comment an emoji, I could pick yours and dedicate a chapter to you.


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