🔢A mistake🔢

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Qibli didn't like what Moon said.

So, he went looking for her.

To apologize, and hopefully win Moon's precious heart back.

Claws tore at Qibli's chest when he saw Winter and Moon, alone, Moon with tears in her eyes. Winter was probably the happiest dragon in Pyrrhia. Qibli was the saddest.

That Winter!

I wish he was dead!

Me and Moon spent so much time together. We had all of the time to fill in empty gaps. Winter had five seconds and still beat me to Moon's heart.

"Has anyone seen Moon? Oh there you are!" Qibli said, grinning and pretending not to notice they were in a love moment.

As Qibli talked to Moon, Winter walked away.




If only Winter could stay away.

If only Moon was a magnet to Qibli's heart.

Not Winter's.




All Moon saw was destruction.

Qibli didn't hate Winter before Moon caught Winter's heart.

No, he did not.

But, Moon only liked Winter for who he was. He had grown into a kind dragon. He had grown so much since when she first met him.

Moon was proud of Winter. She wanted to be under his wing.

Not Qibli's, and she didn't know how to tell him that.

No, she didn't.

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