»the writer and the character

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If you can get their personality out of those pictures that's what they are in the story :) ;; I drew these and as you can tell I got a v big drawing glo up (see 'I love you' birthday special to see the other drawings)

Summary: Grayson is an ammeter author who made a fictional book with the fictional character "Ethan Dolan" in the book, Ethan was Flirty, Mischievous, and crazy. Grayson made it that Ethan would do crazy, life risking things and well, Ethan was fed up. One day, Ethan decides to fight back. Enjoy ;)


Grayson had finally got back from his stressful job and decided to destress himself by writing another chapter to his book.

"Ethan had to go through mazes of snakes and scorpions, risking his life for his one and only" Grayson said as he typed up his fictional book with fictional characters.


"Oh come on this shit again" Ethan groaned as he somehow ended up running through a maze of snakes and scorpions.

When Grayson made Ethan, he wanted him to be what Grayson wants to be. Confident, doesn't give a shit about people's feelings, cusses in each sentence, that kind of personality.

As Grayson was more quiet, shy, almost never cusses.


"He heard hisses that he thought were distant, but, he was wrong, as one latched onto Ethan's leg with his sharp teeth." He continued to type.


"COME THE FUCK ON!" Ethan exclaimed trying to pry the snake off his leg.


"He had finally gotten the snake off. It had left bite marks but it didn't seem to phase Ethan."


"HOLY SHIT THESE BITES ARE HUGE" he said trying to bandage his foot up with his shirt as it soon disappeared. He heard someone speaking. "It didn't seem to phase Ethan.."  he heard.


"I can hear this prick now?" Ethan asked himself.
He began to wonder if the author could hear him. 

"HEY! ASSHOLE!" He began to scream and wave his hands.


Grayson was hearing something but didn't know what. He shrugged it off but it kept getting louder. Soon he realized something was being written on his book and it wasn't him writing it.

"Stop fucking killing me asshole" Grayson read in a questioned tone. His eyebrows stitched together in confusion as he wondered what was going on.

He decided to stop writing for the day and come back tomorrow hoping this would all just be in his imagination.


Ethan was still inside the book holding his pen when he thought maybe if he would write something in the book, it'll come to Grayson's world.

He picked up his pen, and wrote his idea.


Grayson came back to where his book was and became startling as he saw a man with chocolate locks that were swept up into a quiff. He had eyes the color of grass as the sun his upon it. His lips were big and plump his nose a button. As much as Grayson wanted to keep in staring at the jaw dropping man, he needed to question.

"Fuck it's this guy" Ethan sighed in annoyance.

"Th-this Guy?" Grayson questioned. "W-who are you?" He stuttered out of fear.

Grethan one shots discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now