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He was dozing off, half in, half out of reality with his head resting at the tree bark and his arm leaning on his bend knee. Having mulled over everything that took place until his mind grew weary. The tears that appeared during his standoff with Servin, never got released, not even now that he was alone with his thoughts. His eyes squinted slightly to see the snowy valley beneath him and even though the weather was as moody as him, the brightness of the sun that broke through the heavy clouds, was enough to hurt his head. He locked his eyelids again and remained still for an undetermined amount of time, not planning to return to Erebor soon, until he heard galloping coming from the dirt road. His eyes remained closed almost effortlessly as he was not in the mood to face anyone. The fact that someone took the time to come find him, meant that they would have serious questions he didn't to answer.

The footsteps that walked up to him seemed too airy to belong to a man and her scent announced her identity long before her voice.

"Hey..." she forced a smile on her lips and kneeled in front of him.

"Hey" he whispered feeling totally exhausted.

"Are you okay?" the ball of her forefinger brushed his jawline.

He trembled unwillingly at the sudden touch and opened his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

She pointed back with her head at Dwalin that was waiting patiently upon his horse, "Your best friend brought me over".

His head wiggled imperceptibly, "He shouldn't have".

"He said you needed me", her fingers caught his warrior braid and twisted it between them.

His attempt at a smile ended up in a pained grimace, "This is not a good moment for me Eilin". He was clearly trying to keep his emotions in check.

"I think I have figured that out on my own", she gave him a sad smile.

He huffed and his nose flared.

She looked thoughtfully at his mouth for a few moments, " know I am not going away, right?" she whispered.

His jaw flexed and he kept his eyes religiously away from her.

"Hey....look at me", she pulled him by the warrior braid and forced him to face her.

He did so, but the look in his eyes was so desolate that her heart cried in dismay.

"Will this help maybe?" She released his hair, opened up his legs and burrowed in. Before he had the chance to push her away she leaned her body on him. She drew her legs up, allowing her knees to rest just below his ribcage and then her arms wrapped under his armpits and caught tight hold of his shoulder blades. Her head rested under his chin and she smiled contently. "I cannot be the only in this bloody relationship that will break down and cry all the time, okay? Now it's your turn", she whispered and kissed him once on his exposed neck before settling against him cozily once more.

His arms came around her quickly, deciding for him, long before his mind was able to take control and mess everything with it's overthinking. He drew her in and planted a soft kiss on the top of her head. When his cheek rested exactly where his mouth had kissed a moment ago, his eyelids fluttered closed and the first tears escaped him. The exhalation of relief that relaxed his shoulders was felt by her and she rubbed him firmly, "good, take it all out. I am here..."

Her words made his throat convulse and the flood of tears this time was unstoppable. Then he allowed himself to empty everything onto the small woman that couldn't even close her arms around his back, but whose heart was big enough to embrace him and all his nightmares. Instead of punishing himself with more thoughts about how he was staining Siv's memory by holding this woman in his arms, he allowed himself endless tears of sorrow, but also relief...and they hold tight onto each other.

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