One part fear, three parts love

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"Open up the doors!" The first command of Eilin's life felt as terrifying to her as it was confusing to the guards that stood in front of Karunn's cell door.

They looked at each other uncertain of what to do for a few moments.

Dis grabbed her bicep in order to restrain her. Not that she had managed to do that successfully throughout their quick walk down to the dungeons. Eilin seemed to have been overtaken by an invisible force that Dis couldn't reckon with easily. "Be reasonable. Wait for Thorin."

Eilin pulled her arm free. "Not this time my lady. He will forestall me. Nay, he will deny me the closure I need with this woman and I will not be able to rest until I do this. I need to settle this between me and her once and for all. Her hatred had been spat on my face for years in the Ironhills. This isn't something that happened just lately. I need to face her!" -she turned to the guards and her tone was decisive- "Open the doors!"

The guards didn't move an inch.

Dis crossed her arms. "They listen only to the King my dear." She spoke stoically, as if addressing a stubborn child.

Eilin gritted her teeth irritated and her hands became small determined fists. "Open the door, this is an order from the Queen!"

Dis' mouth dropped open and the guards looked at each other one more time before turning towards the dainty creature with the determined voice that stood courageously in front of them. Knowing that the bump forming in her belly had been placed there by the King and this beautiful woman was in reality the future Queen Under the Mountain was enough to break their resolution. After a few long moments where Eilin was fighting the guards with her fiery eyes, against all odds they pulled back and opened the door for her.

Dis grabbed her forearm in terror, "don't go in there please."

Eilin's hand grasped hers and a small smile of reassurance came onto her well formed lips. "I need to do this, please allow me, my Lady. Don't become a new Thorin for me. Don't try to stop me."

Dis scrutinised her nervously for several moments and recognised the sincere need in Eilin's eyes. She felt her chest welling up and she swallowed heavily. "Fine, but I will come with you."

Eilin closed her eyes. "No please. If she sees you she will not speak to me as she would have wanted. This has to be between me and her my Lady."

Dis squeezed Eilin's hand firmly. "Forget it. I am not letting you go in there alone."

Eilin reciprocated the touch. "Trust in me please. Let me do this. Karunn will act like a lady if you come in. I want her to be free to express herself with me."

Dis hesitated. "No..."

"Can you remain outside for me? I'd feel secure knowing you are right outside the door. There are also guards here. Nothing will happen. We are just going to have a talk."

Dis licked her lips uncertain.

Eilin forced herself to smile. "The guards are going to protect me." The moment her eyes fell on them, they presented arms. Goosebumps rushed down her spine.

Dis gritted her teeth. "If I hear any noise I am busting the doors in with them. I am not giving you any more freedom than that."

Eilin nodded and squeezed Dis' hand gratefully. "Thank you for being so understanding my lady."

Dis gave her a curt nod. "Don't do anything that will endanger the baby, you hear?"

Eilin felt her throat constricting. "I would never do that my Lady."

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