There and back again

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One month later at Hobbiton, the day was bright. The sky was a vivid blue that resembled the eyes of the King who was sleeping at the main bedroom of Bilbo Baggins home, wrapped around his wife. Outside Bilbo's door the village was brimming with rippling energy. All the villagers had something to do that morning. Bagshot Row was full of people coming and going. Carrying food, vegetables, fruits, cakes, fish and meat, huge rolls of cheese and ham, long rows of sausages and large barrels of wine, mead and old Toby. Their faces were blithe and their hearts full of euphoric expectations. The neighbours forgot their old feuds, if only temporarily and concentrated on whispering about the impressive Dwarven battalion that had created a protective circle around the Shire. For some Hobbits seeing their lands overtaken by heavy military forces, carriages full of provisions, elaborate tents and above brass, vociferous and during most nights drunken behaviour, was utterly frustrating. For most of the Shire though it was manna send from heaven since they could sell their goods at very high prices to all these Dwarves who had few hesitations to pay well for something they needed.

So this joyous day found two of the most prominent members of the Hobbit community having a little bit of a feud, rather close to Bilbo's home.

"I wish we can employ them officially, you know. Like have them here twenty four seven. That is what true safety feels like." Ferumbras the third looked towards Bag End with a clever eye. He tried to speak in a low tone, avoiding to be overheard by any passing Dwarves.

"You have no idea what you are talking about! Ever since Bilbo returned from that accursed journey, he turned our lives upside down with all these acquaintances he made out there. First he returns bearing gold we have no idea where he stole it from and then he starts bringing over strangers from the Lonely Mountain up in the North! What do all these battle hardened Dwarves have to do with our peaceful village? They are like a swarm of locusts ready to pillage our lands!" Otho grumbled and pointed vaguely at where the north was supposed to be.

"The gold Bilbo brought back, was not stolen. It was his fair share from his adventures with the legendary Oakenshield, otherwise known as King of the North and keep your voice down because that King is sleeping not far away from us right now! Bilbo took that gold from the very bowels of Erebor and it is an honour for our little humble village to have such a treasure in it's midst! Not to mention the outstanding privilege to host such a renowned King! Your personal feud with Bilbo is blinding you." Ferumbras brushed him off.

Otho seemed taken aback. "Who told you I ever had a feud with dear old Bilbo?"

Ferumbras huffed. "Lobelia always has her eye on Bilbo's home. You almost claimed it from him this time, didn't you? He overthrew your plans by coming back victorious the last moment, bearing that mighty elven blade Stig and having a long history written under his name. He made our kin famous to the rest of Middle Earth and us proud of him! All Lobelia cared about was taking his home and you supported her if I recall correctly."

Otho raised his brow. "I didn't see you making a big fuss when Lobelia went in Bilbo's home. Actually you were thinking of auctioning his things!"

Ferumbras seemed shocked. "What are you talking about!? I am Thain of the Shire! I wouldn't have acted this despicably towards one of our most upstanding citizens!"

Otho waved him off. "Oh shut up! You would have done anything to get part of Bilbo's things and now you act all high and mighty."

Ferumbras looked at a rather tall and well build Dwarf who was escorting a dark haired dwarrowdam observing them and began fuming. "Will you keep your voice down!? You are making a fool out of yourself!"

Bella Gamgee was passing by at that moment balancing a large basket of strawberries on her hip. "You are both making fools out of yourselves all the bloody time. I don't see anything new!" She teased happily.

Born from Stone (A Thorin Oakenshield story)Where stories live. Discover now