Little drops of heaven

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It was ten days later and at the end of Bagshot Row Bilbo's home was settling down for the night. The rain outside was beating against the windows relentlessly as it had been doing for the last four days. Bilbo's small office was occupied with several scripted and drawn pages. Instead of working on them though he was musing at the raindrops that were sailing down his windowpane. Gandalf was sitting in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace. Enjoying the warmth of the fire and the soothing tapping of the rain on the roof.

"Do you have any more Toby?" Gandalf asked quietly.

Bilbo looked above his shoulder inattentively and winced. "You've finished all of it already?"

Gandalf flicked one shoulder. "It's one of the best batches I have ever tasted my good man. Now bring over some more."

Bilbo got off his stool and tightened the belt around his warm housecoat. He went to a chest and took out a small pouch. Then he walked to Gandalf and handed it over. "You had to stop me just as I was getting into the flow of things, didn't you?"

Gandalf smirked. "I didn't see you getting into the flow of anything. You were out woolgathering. What are you up to? New story?"

Bilbo smiled and sat down on his stool again. He picked up his quill and began drawing the Dwarven runes of Thror's map he had copied hurriedly back in Erebor, onto a clean page. "Yes, my adventures with Thorin's company."

"I figured that one already, even though it's not very wise to begin writing a story that hasn't finished yet." Gandalf raised his brow.

Bilbo twisted his lips. "I think my part in this story has finished."

Gandalf shook his head. "I don't think so. You've got the main character's most prized possession in one of your rooms right now."

Bilbo raised his finger. "I have a long way to go to reach that part of the story."

Gandalf smiled. "And I am sure many more interesting things will happen in between. Fresh material to add as you go along."

Bilbo crossed his arms. "I hope that they are going to be good things from now on."

Gandalf lit his pipe and inhaled deeply. "That is something no one can foretell my dear Bilbo, but your story with Thorin Oakenshield up to this point hasn't been too bad."

Bilbo's face fell. "Oh, come on, are you serious? We scraped shoulders with the grim reaper repeatedly!"

Gandalf raised his brow. "Well, we had a few close calls."

Bilbo pressed his lips testily. "Few close calls? We've lived through a bloody nightmare! Almost a tragedy!"

Gandalf tilted his head calmly. "Almost, I agree. I believe we are rather lucky to have experienced this adventure exactly as it unfolded in our timeline."

Bilbo looked up and frowned. "What do you mean?"

Gandalf leaned back and inhaled the smoke deeply allowing it to relax him. "I have a feeling my dear man that there could have been many truly catastrophic outcomes from this adventure if given the chance."

Bilbo sighed. "As if Eilin's condition was not scary enough, or Thorin escaping death so many times, or the fact that he decided to give up the throne he worked so hard for in the first place...Those aren't enough calamities for you?"

"It could have been much worse," Gandalf wised.

Bilbo shook his head dismissively. "Says the man that feared so much everything about the Northern Alliance."

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