-Chapter 5-

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The next day, Raine and Lizzy were talking again at school in the middle of the hall.
"Carey is a hollow-brain pig." Raine says, "She thinks that she's 2 steps in front of me, when really, she's 5 steps behind. Little does she know that I'm asking Markus out at lunch."
Darn it! I forgot about that!

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" I accidentally yell.
People walking near me back away, with shock still on their faces.
"Do what about what?"
A voice comes behind me, and it startles me so much that I jump.
Markus appears behind me with a questioned look on his face.
"Oh!" I yelp. "Hey Markus!" I try to smile as if nothing's wrong.
"Why are you so stressed?" Markus asks.
"Oh, no reason. Just..." I struggle to come up with an excuse. "Heheh! Uh..."
Oh dear god.
Markus obviously does not believe me and continues to try to get answers.
"Something's wrong." Obviously. "Tell me! I'm a good listener."
"Just because!"
"Because why?"
"I'm not telling you!"
"Come on!"
"Tell. Me. Now."
"No, I'm not telling you!"
Then I spot Raine, right behind Markus, eyeing me like an eagle. She's clearly trying to communicate;
"He's mine. Don't try to take him away, don't try to touch him, don't even talk to him."
We just stare at each other for a long 5 seconds, and I tune out Markus' protests.
Raine is going to ask him out today. If I don't do something, I'll be a rejected crush.
Yes, it's something we learn at a young age. If your crush goes out with another person, you're automatically a rejected crush.
A rejected crush gets severe depression. Not many people survive it.
And this brings me back to reality.
I have to tell Markus now.
"Aquarius? Are you okay?" Markus asks.
I pause for a second, trying to gather myself.
"Markus? Can I ask you something?"
Here goes.
I take a deep breath.
Markus pauses for a second, processing everything he understood.
"Are you trying to ask me out?"
I nod.
Markus stares at the ground.
Markus stares at the ceiling.
He stares back at the ground.
Why isn't he saying anything? Aughhh! Just say something!
My mouth drops open.
What did he just say?
I hug Markus, not wanting to go for a kiss yet.
Take that, Raine and Carey.
I walk away feeling the happiest I have in a long while. It seemed like life was going my way...
...For like, a mere two seconds.
I guess I wasn't watching where I was going because I nearly crashed right into Kylan O'Neill.
"Well, well, well. What do ya know?"
"Aquarius." He says.
"Kylan." I say.
"Are you done moping about Camrin yet?" He asks.
"Excuse me?" I reply.
"Well, I mean, look at you." He looks at me with a disgusted face. "You're a mess."
"Well, it's not really my fault, is it?" I say, implying that he was the one to make Camrin end her life. This seems to enrage Kylan.
"Well, it's not my fault, either! Who would date such an ugly piece of trash? My life almost changed because of your dumb friend!"
I've never been so angry in my entire life. Could someone be more insensitive?
"How dare you!" I lunge at Kylan, closing my eyes for the impact.
But I never feel myself hit Kylan.
Someone is holding me back.
"Calm down! Calm it!" Markus yells, struggling to restrain me. "What is going on?!"
Accusations and insults fly all over the place.
"Stop fighting!" Markus shouts again. "Aquarius, go back to the cafeteria. Let me talk to Kylan."
I reluctantly walk away, while still looking back and glaring at Kylan. During class, all I could think about was hitting Kylan in the head with a baseball bat.
*                                 *                                *
I'm still mad at Kylan when I walk out of class. Then, I hear Kylan's voice.
"How do you deal with her, dude?"
Then I hear Markus' voice.
I peek through the door.
"Aquarius, I mean."
"Honestly, dude, I wish I didn't." Markus said.
"What?" Kylan speaks my thoughts. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, she's cute, but I don't actually like her." Markus says. My heart stops.
"Then why are you going out with her?" Kylan asks.
"Because I didn't want her to die if I said no!" Markus says.
"You do realize that that would've caused a lot of problems in the future, right?" Kylan continues to question.
"Well, I was so weirded out I didn't know what to think!" Markus replies.
That's it. I can't continue listening to this. We have literally been dating for 6 hours.
I come out from behind the door.
"Markus? Is it true?"
Markus has a surprised look on his face, and Kylan cringes outwardly.
"Yeah, uh...I'm gonna go.." Kylan exits the room.
"Aquarius.." Markus begins, "I'm so sorry."
I'm not going to be unreasonable. I'm not going to throw anything, I'm not going to yell. I'm not going to seek revenge.
"It's...it's ok." I try to smile, but it looks more like a less-deep frown. "Thank you for trying."
I walk away in despair, but Markus does not come after me. After all, there is nothing else to discuss.
* * *
Once more I am laying on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling.
Honestly, I'm surprised.
Survivors of the crush described the feeling of being a rejected crush as "Soul-crushing and unbearable." It hurts, of course, but nothing to commit suicide over.
I go to sleep with many thoughts, and a headache.
Stupid. Worthless. Trash.

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