2. Anger is a B*tch

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Kayla's POV*.*.*.*.*.*

I was laying in bed by now, my bottom lip between my teeth as I wondered, once again, what the actual hell am I doing here?

From what I can tell, Graham seems to be a bit of a bomb; ready to explode at any given moment. In all honesty, I am too, but not a bomb of infuriating anger. I mean, after he pondered aloud 'what made me so special,', his eyes clouded over, and he let out a very inhuman growl. I mean, not to be rude or anything, who the hell does that?

Also, to add to the misery of it all, when I finally am able to leave, what will my mother do? I mean, I can't just waltz out of this mansion - no, there is a guard stationed right outside that door, and I checked to see if I could go out the window, and it is way to high; and I stupid guard is posted at the bottom just to be sure.

I groaned and fell back into the bed. Everything is going in a blur; when did anything seem to go as fast as earlier this night? Bewilderment would be an understatement as to what is whirling in my small, ignorant brain.

A sudden burst of lightning, shinning the room with an eerie light, caused me to jump and gasp, ramming into the head board. I let out another groan and rubbed my head where I hit it. I have always been jumpy, and that fact alone should say enough to explain that I am indeed clumsy.

Yet, I was a competitive dancer. Screw the odds of falling off stage- which I have consequently done- I was very competitive and found dance to be really important to me. . . Until I 'quit'.

I could faintly now hear the sound of Graham's voice outside my door, most likely speaking the guard. After a few moments, my room door opened a crack. I watched as Graham slipped in, closing the door behind him. He stood in front of the bed I was sitting on confidently, watching me blankly as I squirm under his scrutinizing stare.

"Yes?" I squeaked out, my cheeks flushing at the high octave.

"Tomorrow, we will go get anything you need from your previous home," Graham paused, once again pursing his lips to a thin line, "I will have three guards come with you to ensure you don't run off. I have duties to attend to."

"Wait, previous home? But, my mom- she can't live on her own," I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him, "Besides, I just met you today for christ's sake."

"We are mates," he gritted his teeth, "and I am now your alpha, you will not question me."

"What the hell are mates?!" I rubbed my pressing temples as I bit out the words.

"Humans; stupid, ignorant, ugly, little creatures," Graham muttered, his eyes darkening to a black tint. And there is the bomb.


By the way, I hate you, you stupid guards. I mean that I the most sincere way possible. Just behind me, I could hear their loud breaths. The sound is maddening, really. Three of them stood around me. One to my left, one to my right, and one directly behind me.

I learned one was named Eli, and he was okay. I mean, he was still rude, but he is the nicest person I have met in my life. His dark skin and light brown eyes are warm, but hold a distinctive gaze I can only describe as murderous. Not towards me, of course, but to anything that could possibly be a threat- including a poor, innocent bunny.

We have been walking an hour, and my house was just now in sight; I could have sworn that with Graham it was only a few minuet walk.

I stopped just at the edge of the woods that outlined my house; expect for the front of course where the road is.

"This it?" Eli asked. The White House with red shudders? Yup. The creepy house that really should house like twenty ghosts.

I nodded, my lips pursing to a line, "I don't know if my mother is home or not. Eli, you can come in, just for Graham's sake of making sure I don't run away."

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