Chapter 7. Sexual Linings

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*Summary if Chapter 6:
After Graham takes in the fact that Kayla may have an issue once he gets her 'home', he starts to keep an eye on her. Keyword: starts. Once Josephine, what seems to be an ex-lover of his, comes back into the picture, Kayla knows that she herself will never own up to this Josephine. Graham becomes sidetracked with Josephine, and anything Kayla says to him, seems to go unnoticed. With the pain in her heart growing stronger as time passed, Kayla turned to the library for answers. The sweet, old lady behind the counter offers her the only real help she has gotten; possibly the answers. And, only the Moon-Goddess knows that Kayla won't like these answers.

This chapter does have a sexual scene. If you can't handle, or aren't mature enough for said scenes, I suggest stopping here. From here on it will have sexual tension between two people.

Chapter 7:

I frowned at Graham's sleeping figure. His body was tangled in the sheets, his hand caught in his hair while the other lay on the bed loosely. His face was relaxed for once, but I knew mine was anything but relaxed. The old lady told me that I would find out what the pain was in time. She didn't want to be the one to 'officially break me', as she put it.

I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling a wave of cold clench my body. I was scared to get closer to the man sleeping in front of me.

Physically, and mentally.

If he knew what I used to do to myself, and what I did earlier in the day... I don't even want to think about it. Nothing makes sense though. Why pretend to care when it's clear you don't?

I'm nosy. I'm a bitch. I'm this, and that, but I am far from being good enough for him, or this pack.

Far from it.

I glanced at the clock, frowning as I saw it was only five thirty, and soon it would be time for dinner.

I couldn't skip again. I already seemed like I couldn't do anything for the pack and for Graham. I seemed like a weak girl with nothing but a few bruises and scars.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I sighed as I saw, "wake Graham, we have some issues you two need to see ASAP," flash on the screen.

Typing back a quick, "if I die, I blame you," I stepped closer to the bed.

"Graham," I murmured, sitting on the bed beside his free arm. I grabbed his hand, lacing and unlacing our fingers together, "Graham, Eli says there's something we need to see right now. He says it's important."

He grumbled something lowly, and I frowned as I placed my hand on his cheek, "Graham, come on, we need to see what the problem is."

"Let me sleep, Josephine."

I dropped his hand, and retracted my hand slowly from his jaw, "Graham, I'm serious. Get up."

I got off the bed, quickly flicking on the lights. In his half awake state, he furrowed his eyebrows and squeezed his eyes shut, cursing at the light.

"Come on, Graham, Eli needs us."

Graham's eyes opened, and quickly they flashed with realization.


"Come on," I opened the door, "it's been long enough. We need to go make sure everything is ok."

"Kayla, listen to me," Graham came out of the room behind me, a white t-shirt bunched and rolled as he quickly slipping it on, "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"Ok," I smiled the best I could, though I am sure you could see how broken I felt from my eyes, "I understand."

Not even his tattoos fascinated me right now. The black ink seemed like dark shadows I didn't want to listen to.

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