*one week after the park meeting*

I woke up missing Mikey's warmth. "Mikey?" I called out for him. I opened my eyes and the sun momentarily blinded me. I saw a princess robe on the door and a note on the nightstand. In his tiny and neat handwriting it read: Hey Krissy! It's kind of chilly so I brought you the only spare robe we had. Sorry in advance, sort of...

I chuckled and checked his bathroom mirror. The cuts were still strongly present but they looked considerably less appaling. In the time I'd been here I've gotten along with Mikey's family pretty well. He lived with his mother: Samantha, his older brother: Pat, and his twin sister: Anna.

I pulled on the robe and left Mikey's room. "Anyone here?" I saw Anna walk into the hallway with a fluffy black robe on. "Seriously! I'm going to kill your boyfriend!" We switched robes and stormed into the living space together. Mikey huffed. "Really Anna? You had to switch robes before I took a picture." Anna huffed. "Really Mikey? You had to take my robe to begin with!"

I giggled and watched the sibling's interaction. Samantha entered the room and rolled her eyes. "Straighten up my little soldiers," she laughed, her laugh was so warm, "We have a visitor!" Mikey and Anna both hurried to my sides. Whenever there was a visitor they stood by my sides, waiting for the time it was someone who wanted to hurt me. A mop of curly blonde hair ran into the room screaming, "Krissy!" "Fin!" I picked him up and swirled him in my arms. "I missed you so much!" I beamed and Mikey lifted Fin out of my arms. "I know you're excited but you need to heal." He whispered but Fin heard. "Heal? Who hurt you big brother? Can I see?"

I chuckled. "It's nothing little buddy. Do you recognize him?" I pointed to Mikey. Fin looked at him for a moment and gasped dramatically. "Mikey!" He wrapped his tiny arms around Mikey's neck. Mikey laughed and placed him on the floor. Fin pointed to Anna. "And that's girl Mikey!" We all burst out laughing, especially Anna. From what I was told when the two were younger they had the same haircut and wore the same clothes so they would often be called the other one. I poked Fin's belly and he giggled. "No. That's Anna, Mikey's twin sister." "Oh!"

He stood in front of her and reached his hand out, she bent down and shook his hand. "Hello! My name is Fin and I'm five-and-a-half years old!" Anna giggled. "Well I'm Anna and I'm seventeen-and-a-half years old!" We all laughed again and the twins left so it was just me and Fin.

"Kris. I saw what happened last week. Are you okay?" My eyes widened. "I thought Phil covered your eyes!" "He did. But I was the one who saw you. All I saw was you punching and kicking the guy to the ground. Are you hurt? Let me see." I gave him a small fake smile. "I'm okay." I was so focused on our conversation I didn't remember that the robe was too big for me. And I didn't realize that it was slipping open. His small hand planted itself softly on the gash. "Did that man do this?" I still smiled weakly. "Yeah." I pulled his hand off of me.

"Why did the police takes you away? That man hurted you." "Well... you see...um..." I couldn't come up with a lie. "Dad made a mistake." A voice said. I looked to see Dan and Phil standing at the doorway with Samantha. By the looks of it Samantha had tore both of them a new one. I smiled another fake smile at Fin. "Yeah... Dan just made a mistake is all." Fin looked from his fathers to me again. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "Is that why you're not home? Because you mad?" I whispered back. "I'm not mad." He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

I struggled to contain my laughter. "Okay maybe a little. But if it's okay with them I want to come back very soon." Fin hugged me and ran to Dan and Phil. He motioned for them to bend down, they obeyed and I fell on the floor laughing. You see, Dan and Phil are very tall people but Fin, he's tiny. So watching them struggle to get to his height was hilarious. Mikey and Anna walked in and started laughing too. We were all rolling on the floor with laughter and Fin walked over to me. "You guys have to stop laughing!" He tried to sound serious but he too started laughing. Samantha entered and saw us all collapsed on the floor giggling madly. "And here I thought I only had two crazy ones to deal with." She chuckled and took a picture of us. "Oh this is so going to be the Family card!"

"Mom!" Anna jumped up off the floor. "You promised I could do you and Mike's make up for the card." I looked at Mikey in confusion and he explained. "She always wanted a sister so she dresses me up in drag for some pictures." He looked away. I giggled and looked at Anna. "What's her name?" I saw Mikey blush madly. "Kristel! And she is so pretty!" "Pictures?!" She nodded and we ran off to her room. Mikey was close behind us. She showed me pictures. "Hmm. Well she looks fantastic but I think the contour and eyebrows are a bit off."

Anna tilted her head at me. "You think you could do better?" She challenged. "Yep!" I said popping the "p". And that's how I ended up doing drag makeup on my boyfriend with both of our families watching. "Stay still or I'll mess up the contour!" I lectured him playfully. "Make me!" He said challengingly as he puckered his lips. I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead. "Next time you taunt me I'll turn you into a witch."

Everyone was laughing and it felt like we were family.

Us? (A Sequel To Me? - Adopted By Phan)Where stories live. Discover now