Finally! It was the day Mikey was coming over for a collab! I dressed in my favorite outfit and called Dan into my room. "Hey Dad can you come here?" Dan jogged to the room. "Yeah what's up?" "Well since today is a special day I kinda want to wear my piercings and stuff. Can I?" "Piercings and stuff?" "You know the normal. Spider Bite. Gauges." I mumbled in a low voice. "What?! I've never seen you with that stuff on!" "Shhh! It's not that big a deal dad!" "Lion! Come here please!" Phil walked into my room as well. "What's all the commotion about Bear?" He asked Dan.

"I just wanna dress up a bit and dad's making a big deal about it." "But my little tiny kiddy is gonna be going through his emo faze!" Dan squeezed my face. "Dad! Papa can you get him off?!" Phil pulled Dan away and looked at me expectantly. "It's just some old piercings of mine. I wanna put them in again." Phil kissed Dan's cheek. "Okay. That's fine. I'm sure Dan was just excited." We laughed and the two decided to take Fin along with us.

As we were leaving I left Mikey a key under the mat along with a note: Hey babe! I'm out with the family for maybe an hour or two. We'll be back near 1! Make yourself at home! Love you so much! <3 ~ Krissy

We headed to the shop and I was excited. It's been so long since I've had them in! I wonder what Mikey will think of them? I opened the door and rung the bell. "Yo Johnny! It's your favorite customer!" I called to the back of the store. Johnny came out and gave me a high-five. "Hey man! Here to get your stuff back in?" "Yep! Special day, I gotta look good!" "Chick? Dude? And I'm pretty sure you are only 16 if I'm right? That's a little young Kris."

I choked on nothing. "Hm very funny. Well let me introduce you to the family. Dan. Phil. And of course little Fin." I picked up Fin and handed him to Johnny and he poked his belly. "Wanna lolly?" Fin nodded and played with Johnny's ear piercings. Johnny laughed and handed him a red lollipop.

"Well I have an appointment right now but I'll have you out of here at like 12:50 ish. Sound good?" "Perfect!" Everyone went and sat down on some chairs against the wall. "Who is that?!" Phil asked. "My friend Johnny. He was from the orphanage too. When he got out he opened this place all by himself. And ever since then he's been giving a bit of money to the older kids to take care of the younger ones." Dan and Phil 'Awwed' and Fin just licked his lollipop.

Finally it was my turn to go back there. He put on my spider bites and we chatted about random things. He put on my gauges which hurt a little bit but I pulled through. Then for just a bit of a surprise he ironed my hair for me and gave me his old leather jacket. "Thanks Johnny!" I gave him a hug. "Hey you're like a brother to me! And I swear the next time you go missing and don't come here first I'll find you before anyone else does." I laughed and we walked out. I showed everyone my new piercings and they were in awe. I couldn't wait to show Mikey!

I practically dashed home but Dan and Phil didn't want me to tire myself out. When we got there the key was still under the mat. "Maybe we're early." I thought aloud and opened the door. I plopped down on the couch and out of boredom I decided to watch the news.

"There was an unfortunate accident in the city of Manchester leaving one dead. Michael Thomas a 16-year-old teenage youtuber."

I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't hear anything anymore. I couldn't see anything anymore. It couldn't be true, could it? No obviously not! My Mikey is alive!

I woke up to a steady beeping. I opened my eyes and was blinded by bright lights. There were wires attached to my arms. I yanked them out and stood up. I walked out of my room and followed the signs to the bathroom. I went back to my room and changed into normal clothes. I went to the nurse's station after ripping off my hospital band. "Do you have anyone by the last name Thomas here? From the car crash." I wrote on a piece of paper. The nurse checked and nodded. "We have an Anna, Samantha and a Patrick." "What about Michael Thomas? He was in the crash." I wrote again. She looked at me sadly. "He died on the scene."

I walked away slowly. I headed to the exit. "Kris?! Kristen?!" I turned and saw Anna. I nodded and texted Dan.

"I'm on my way home."

"We're in the hospital in the cafeteria. Come meet us and we'll drive home."

"It's fine. I need to walk."

"Please be safe. We love you."

"Love you too."

And so I headed down the streets of Manchester alone yet again. I still wasn't paying attention and I got dragged into an alleyway. They pinned me against the wall. "Don't scream. Don't struggle." I glared at him. I threw him off of me. I shoved him to the ground and he tried to hop back up. I kicked him down again and walked away. I can't do this anymore. I headed to a small martial arts arena I used to go to. I nodded to my coach and he went to find me an opponent. I wrapped my hands in bandages and put in my mouth guard. I took out my spider bites and placed them in my locker. And I went out to face my opponent. The guy was at least 5 years older than me.

But before I knew it the fight had begun. We were swinging and kicking and getting hit. He had me pinned to the ground but I threw my leps up, grabbed his head and slammed backwards. As he fell back I got up and pinned him down, better than he did me. Soon I was walking out with a bag of cash. I went to Johnny's shop. I wrote a note and stuck it on the bag. "For the orphanage. I'm not speaking." Johnny gave me a hug. "You better get home." We exchanged numbers and I was on my way.

I eventually made it home and wrote out that I didn't want to speak. They understood. Or they thought they did. But really. No words could describe my pain.

Us? (A Sequel To Me? - Adopted By Phan)Where stories live. Discover now