Tears fell down my face. "Papa!" I whispered to no one in particular. I pulled the camera out of the box and went to the empty living room. "Hi, guys my name is Kris and welcome to another video blog. Since last time a lot has happened. Someone molested me in an alleyway. I ran away. Someone tried to kidnap me. I was arrested. I lived with my boyfriend for a week. I almost got hit by a car. Overall pretty tiring but now I'm home. I'm back home," I laughed softly, "Home. I've never had a home before. And that terrifies me. I've messed up so much. I've hurt them so bad. I'm hurting. I don't know what to do. I can't hurt them anymore. I'll just pretend to be okay. That'll work right? I'll leave it up to you guys. Let me know in the comments below. Bye."

I walked back to my room slowly. Almost zombie like. I uploaded the video on my laptop and checked the comments.


"They would stop hurting if you just killed yourself already"

"Please end your life"


"You are actually disgusting"

"Emo Fag just kill yourself"

I left the computer open and went to bed. Silent sobs shook my body and nightmares filled my head. What did I expect? For people to actually care?

I sobbed all throughout the night and into the late morning. "Kris! I made breakfast!" Phil called in a sing songy voice. I sniffled. "Maybe later Papa. Maybe later." He opened my door and saw my laptop on the floor. "You can't just leave this on the floor." He went to pick it up. "Phil. Please. You can't look at that." He looked at me. "Kris. What happened?" "Nothing." I wiped all traces of tears off of my face. He grabbed the computer and it turned on. All the colour drained from his face. He left the room with the computer in hand. A few minutes went by and he entered with Dan. Tears stained both of their faces. "Kris?" Dan said softly. "Kris come down here." I climbed down the ladder and stood solemnly in front of my bed.

"I'm sorry Kristen. I'm so sorry." "You didn't do anything Phil. You either Dan. I messed up." Dan spoke first. "No. You and me both made mistakes but we are going to get through this. As for those mean comments: ignore them and look at the good ones."

He handed me the computer and it was open to the comment section of last night's video.


- "What the fuck?! Don't talk to people like that! I'm sorry for the ignorance Kristen <3"

"They would stop hurting if you just killed yourself already"


"Please end your life"

- "Only if you go first bitch"



"You are actually disgusting"

- "Not as disgusting as you. You're a piece of human trash"

"Emo Fag just kill yourself"

- "Bitch STFU no one cares about your worthless comment. Kristen has done nothing to deserve this bs!"

"These are all for me?" I asked. "Yes baby!" Phil hugged me and I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you both. So much."

We all hugged and cried for a while. Then Phil made us get ready to go outside. Dan was complaining the whole time. "Why do we have to go outside Lion? We could just stay in and watch movies. You guys want that right? See they want to stay inside." Dan whined for the 1000th time. Phil sighed heavily and held Dan's face. "We're going out Bear. Deal with the facts." He kissed his nose.

We all zipped up our jackets and went out for a movie. I don't fully remember what it was, only that it was very nerdy. We all had a blast! "That was great!" I exclaimed as we entered the flat. "Haha yeah! I guess it was fun leaving the house for once!" Dan laughed and Phil rolled his eyes.

We were going to have a nice family dinner. Dan was cooking and Phil was watching Tv with Fin and I. "Hey babe! I need to go for a sec. Can you watch the food?" Dan called from the kitchen. "Sure!" Phil hopped up and went to the kitchen. I turned to Fin. "Oh no!" I said dramatically. Last time Phil tried cooking it was a disaster. We both giggled until we heard the fire alarm start to ring. "PHIL!" Dan yelled as he dashed across the flat. I rolled my eyes and carried Fin to my room. There was a large window that, if necessary, could be jumped out of.

"How come Papa still tries to cook, Krissy?" I laughed. "I don't know! I also have no idea why Dad keeps forgetting that he can't!" Fin and I laughed as we heard Dan screaming at the alarm. "Doesn't that scare you?" I turned to Fin. "Only when it's fear or anger. Otherwise I don't mind that much." I grabbed my phone and tweeted: "Oh God! Papa tried to cook and nearly burned down the flat!! I'm dying!!!!"

I got a reply from Mikey: "Let's hope you mean that rhetorically"

I tweeted back: "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"You wish sweeeeeeeeeeetie! <3"

"Ewwwwww <3"

I laughed and continued scrolling through various social medias for quite a while (cough cough hours because Phil burned the food cough cough) until I found a video labeled: MISTEN PROOF!

I opened it and saw a photoshopped picture of me and Mikey in a heart. It showed the comment he wrote along with others I'd left, our tweets from literally a few hours ago, me saying I stayed at my boyfriend's place, and the fact that he hadn't posted any videos in a week.

I ran out of my room. "DAD! PAPA!" Dan and Phil ran into the living room to meet me. "What's wrong?!" Dan asked, extremely nervous. "How do you stop people from meddling into your personal business when you make videos on YouTube?" Dan and Phil eyed each other suspiciously and then Phil sighed. "First proof video?" I nodded. "Well what Phil and I have learned is that they will find out sooner or later. I mean how many people shipped Phan before we actually confirmed it?" "Oh god!" I flopped down on the couch. I forget sometimes that I used to be a fan of Dan and Phil before I was their kid. Probably because of how terrible life was before then.

Us? (A Sequel To Me? - Adopted By Phan)Where stories live. Discover now