I woke up and saw Mikey watching me. "You creep!" I laughed sleepily. "You're leaving today and I wanted to memorize your face." I sighed. "Well then I'll send you a pigeon because obviously laptops and phones have not yet been invented." "Very funny." He kissed my nose. Anna walked in the room and hopped in the bed with us. "I'm going to miss youuuuuuu!" She hugged me. I laughed. "I'll miss you too Anna!" "More than anyone?" She asked with her head tilted. "Yes Anna more than anyone." Mikey pushed his sister lightly.

Finally it was time to leave and everyone had lined up for a goodbye. Pat went first."This is going to sound terrible but believe me, it gets better so bear with me. I'm so glad it was me who picked you up. Because if it was any other dickhead I work with they would have taken you to the orphanage and never had the thought to call your folks. Probably wouldn't have had a thought at all but that's beside the point. I'll miss you. And you better call because I can find you." He ruffled my hair and we laughed.

Anna went next. "Hey," she laughed, "I'm gonna miss you kid. You became family. And I swear if you don't check in I'll find you before my brother does and he's going to be dragging me to the interrogation room." I laughed. "He'd probably help you bury me." Pat only shrugged.

Now Mikey. "You won't be gone forever. I promised you forever and I fully intend to keep my word. So this is not goodbye. Not for a long shot." We hugged and kissed. A few tears slipped down all of our cheeks but we soldiered on.

Now it was Samantha, she for some reason wanted to go last. "Now Kristen," she held my hands in her own, "You've only been here for a week but let me tell you something. This family will never forget you. You're one of us now. And this is a little reminder to go." She handed me a ring that had been engraved on the inside "Forever Family ♡"

I smiled up at her as my eyes blurred with tears. "Thank you. Thank you so much. For everything." I put the ring on my finger and hugged my new family. But soon it was time to go back to Dan and Phil. I missed them so much.

The ride home was quite confusing. Dan and Phil had called me an Uber. Samantha was less than pleased with this but we all managed to calm her down. Finally I thanked the driver and got out of the car. I knocked on the door. "Hello?" I opened the door and the flat was empty. "Hello?" I heard a noise and I turned swiftly to face it. "I guess no one is home," I said and advanced towards the noise. I wasn't about to leave this alone.

"Behind you!" Someone said softly. I turned slowly. It was Shane. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Oh Shane! I didn't know what was going on and I thought someone was hiding over there!" He laughed "That's Cheeto! Ryland is walking Uno!" I hugged him. "Thank you!" I said. "For what?" "Bringing me back. Knowing my stubborn as- I mean arse I would've ended up staying there forever." "I'm going to forget that little stutter okay? And I'm glad I did." I chuckled and looked around. My laugh stopped. "Shane? Where are they?" My thoughts were taking the plunge. "They went out shopping. They'll be back soon. Movies?" I nodded and put on Supernatural.

I fell asleep and had nightmares. I didn't wake up crying like I usually did and I was thankful for that. I eased my eyes open and I saw Shane passed out and Ryland trying to wake him up. "Hello Ryland." I greeted. He screamed and I winced. Thinking back on it that probably was very creepy. Dan walked into the room sleepily I guess he was used to people being frightened by me. "That's Kris, my kid. Kris can you scare the shit out of Ryland later?" "Sorry Dan. Sorry Ryland." I looked down and Dan went back to bed. "Well hi Kris!" "Hello," I smiled weakly, "I didn't mean to scare you. I had a nightmare and woke up." "Oh that's okay. What was it about if you don't mind me asking?" My eyes shut but I forced them open. I tried as hard as I could to smile but my lips wouldn't stop trembling. "I'm not a normal kid, Ryland. I... I'm messed up in the head. And I'd rather not scare you away since I actually like having you and Shane around," I straightened up, "You guys should probably head to wherever you're staying." Ryland simply nodded as if he understood. But he never would. No one would ever understand.

We woke up Shane, after taking a few pictures of course, and they left. I went to my room. I couldn't go inside. It would make it all too real. I haven't been here in a week. I was dragged away by officers. People tried to kidnap and sell me. Someone fought me with a knife. I looked down at the ring on my hand and took a deep breath. "I'll be okay. I'll be okay." I opened the door.

I let out a gasp. Little Fin was lying on the bottom bunk with a gift box in front of him. I kissed his forehead and proceeded to open the box. It was a camera! And a really expensive one if I was correct! There was a letter on the back of the box.

"To Our Kris, We love you so much! And we are so sorry! We will make it up to you tomorrow but first I wanted to give you a camera since that's how Dan said you met Mikey! Much Love, Papa!!"

Us? (A Sequel To Me? - Adopted By Phan)Where stories live. Discover now