Chapter 20

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Skyarlette’s P.O.V

There I lay, staring up at the ceiling underneath my sheets as thoughts buzzed around my head hazardly. It was pitch black and I’m sure I was the only one awake in the house as everyone slept peacefully in their rooms; even Justin was deep in slumber across my room. My head fell back onto my pillow as I pondered over the text I had received just mere hours ago. The message kept replaying in my mind which resulted to a case of insomnia. The threat was clearly meant to scare me and it did.

Sighing to myself, I rolled over onto my side as I stared out the window at the full moon. It’s not like anything else bad can happen, this isn’t twilight; I thought to myself. On cue after that thought I heard a wolf howling in the distance. Shivering, I buried myself deeper underneath the covers and shut my eyes. As soon as I was actually able to drift out of consciousness, the message flashed across my eyelids; jolting me awake. Giving up on attempting getting rest, I laid on my back and voiced my thoughts.

“There’s no point in trying to sleep. I’ll just sleep on the way to Saskatoon”  then I heard another voice after mine which startled me.

“No you won’t; come here.” said Justin’s groggy voice.

My head snapped towards him as I stared at him blankly. Maybe my lack of sleep is driving me into insanity and the first symptoms are hearing voices.

“You’re not going insane- even though I think you are sometimes –I was calling you over here.” He replied, muttering in the middle of the sentence; but I still heard him none the less which resulted to him receiving a glare from me.

“And why would I do that?” I questioned as I sat up a bit.

“Because you’d want to try every possibility of trying to fall asleep.” He reasoned. I have to admit, he was partially right.

“I’m still not coming over there. Over my dead body.” I stated as I fell backwards into my pillow.

“Why must you be so stubborn?” he groaned as he lifted himself off the bed.

“Why must you be annoying?” I answered his question with another question. He shook his head and made his way towards me. When he was above me, he easily picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?” I asked sternly, bashing at his back with my petite fists. As he carried me over to his bed he didn’t even flinch as I made contact with his firm back. He threw me lightly into the bed and crawled in beside me. Me, being Ms. Stubborn, turned towards the wall; away from his face.

“Fine, be like that.” He chuckled, draping his arm around my waist. I used my thumb and index finger to lift off his hand and move it to the side.

“I don’t want to be contaminated. Thank you very much. I’m already held in a bed against my will.” Was what I said as I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

“Ha ha, very funny. Well deal with it.” He said dryly, replacing his arm where I had previously moved it from. I made an attempt to get up and make my way back to my bed but his grip tightened on my waist which restricted me from doing so.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Actually, I think the question is what’s wrong with you.” He replied.

“Why must you be so difficult?” I shot back.

“I’m going to bed; don’t wanna fall asleep in the middle of a song.” He muttered as his once again tightened his grip and closed his eyes.

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