Chapter 15

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Skyarlette’s P.O.V.

Walking into my bedroom, I closed the door as I looked down at my body which now had a nice tan colour to it. My skin still had that warm glow but I didn’t like the sticky tan lotion stuck to my body. Taking some clothes off the hanger I made my way to the bathroom making sure to lock it behind me.

After I was done showering I threw on my clothes and took a look at my face. It was pretty much clear except for a few pimples trying to make its way onto my skin, oh well, there’s no point in doing anything to it but to let it naturally go away. Rubbing some lotion on my face was the only other option to help it go away; by moisturizing it.

When I was done in there I made my way into the kitchen, planning to scope out something to eat. Opening up the cupboard, I quickly scanned what was inside and tried to make up my mind of what I wanted. Deciding that I felt in the mood for peanut butter, I took out the container as well as the bread and placed them both on the counter.

Even though I have lived in this house for multiple years, it seems that I never know where things are. Mom and dad always change up the places of cutlery as well as the dishes because they say “Change is good for the brain, it keeps it healthy” which results to almost no one but them knowing where everything is located.  After searching through a few draws I found a dull knife, as well as some things I have been looking for ages that I thought I’d lost!

Smothering the peanut butter on to the bread I started to sing a little tune to myself. When the sandwich was done I cleaned up and moved up stairs to go eat in my room, but I got a text from Bre to meet her in the kitchen. I was just there but I turned back around anyways towards it.

When I entered through then main door, I saw ‘it’ enter through the other one. Before I could open the door and leave I saw Ania lock it from the outside on my side, the one that leads outdoors was locked by Chaz and the one Justin just entered through was locked by my own mother!

So it turns out they tricked us by locking us in the kitchen, little did they know that I knew where the spare key was in here. I made my way over to the cabinet with our miscellaneous stuff were kept, they held a lot of stuff inside that my parents never let the idea cross their mind to move them from inside there. When I looked into the little woven egg basket I found it empty.

As I pulled my head out of the cupboard I found my mom waving it in front of her face, mocking me.

‘We are not as stupid as you think.’ Was the glorious text message I received from my mom. She was even smirking from the other side of the door! Is it legal to lock your child in a kitchen with a boy she hates??? This should be filed as child-daughter-child abuse!

I can’t believe that my own friends were helping to lock me up in my own coffin with ‘it.’

‘You guys are really getting on our nerves. Until you guys can sort out whatever you did like young-adults you are going to stay locked in here. And remember Je t’aime!’ Looking from the text to Bre I scowled as she left but not before her two-finger wave.

So it’s official. I’m stuck with ‘it’ for however long.

I turned back to the counter where I put my sandwich and saw there were bites taken out of it. When I looked at ‘it’ I narrowed my eyes at him, so he thinks he can steal my food now huh? Now that my sandwich has his saliva on it I don’t plan on eating it anymore.

Picking up the sandwich I waited for him to turn his back then I did my first impulse:

“Hey Justin!” I yelled, when he turned around I threw the sandwich aiming for his face and it ended smack-dab in the middle of it.

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