Chapter 10

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 Skyarlette’s P.O.V.

As I slipped into consciousness I felt the sun rays lucent through my eye lids while I rested my head on my pillow; wait last time I checked pillows don’t have heart beats, or felt warm, or have abs?................

I opened my eyes and gazed up to find the most peaceful looking face above my head; Justin’s.

His face looked so peaceful as I took in his soft features; like how his light pink lips were slightly parted as he slept, his hair was slightly tousled due to moving around in his sleep.  The way the sun reflected off of his bare chest gleamed in the light as I sat there staring at him.

“Good morning to you too stalker” he grinned sleepily; oops I really must have looked like a stalker staring at him as he slept.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked while I kept my head on his chest not intending to move anytime soon.

“Since you woke up.” He smiled lightly at me.

“Look who’s the stalker now” I told him, smirking.

“We better get going downstairs….” He trailed off while changing the subject.

“Nothing’s stopping you from doing so; I think I am gonna stay here a little while longer.” I said about ready to close my eyes again.

“Well…ummm….you kinda of are.” He stuttered; I scrunched up my nose in concentration as I started to wonder how........ohhhhhh.

“I’m still lying on your chest, aren’t I?” I said from my current spot.

“Yea” he chuckled nervously. Maybe I should free him from my grasp and let him get on with his life; but he’s so warm and cuddly…..

“I’m soft and cuddly” I heard him say, but I want sure if he was talking to himself or not.

“Soft and cuddly, did I say that? I meant you’re daft and befuddling. Yea, that’s what I said; I think you need to have your hearing checked. You might have damaged your ear drums from all that screaming at your concerts.” Good cover up Skyarlette I thought to myself.

“Anyway can you get up please so I can get ready?” he asked, I looked over to the side of my bed where the alarm clock read 8:23am on the night stand.

“Are you out of your mind?!?!? It is 8 in the morning, go back to sleep.” I mumbled at him as my perkiness left my body.

“But we got things to do…” he started to make a move to get out the bed but I leaped on him; so now here I was straddling him.

He gave me the puppy dog eyes and must I say a job well done, but I aint gonna give up easily; even in my drowsy state.

“But I wanna cuddle.” I said in a small baby voice while giving him my grammy-award-worthy puppy dog face. My eyes were huge and I know no one can refuse to this face, if they could then they need to see an emotion-specialized-therapist.

I could see he was becoming doubtful about his decision so I had to bring it home.

I sniffed slightly as a stray tear leaked out the corner of my eye; now that sold the deal as he began to fall back into the bed.

“I guess we could lie down for a few more minutes” he said gently as if I would burst into tears any minute. Cha Ching….Works every time…..  Truth is I’m such a great actor that no one notices the difference between my real tears and fake ones.

“Thank you” I said laying back down on top of him ready to go back to bed, producing fake tears came be really tiring you know.

“Ummmm…” I heard him weirdly say, I am aware I am still on top of Justin… Hahaha

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