Chapter. 4 | Hurt

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This morning I refused to eat again. Therefore, Taehyung fed me himself.
He kept stuffing my mouth with food.
My stomach was so full that it could explode any moment.
Even the rope around my body wouldn't even help.

It's been one week since I came here.
I've gotten used to it honestly.
Taehyung is usually not at home when I wake up. It's very rare that he's here, I have no idea where he goes.

It was already afternoon and haven't seen Taehyung since morning.
The boredom was slowly eating me.
Taehyung had switched on the TV.
For some reason he turned on the volume very high.
It was a cooking show on the TV-screen. I had to watch all the people enjoy their life.

When the show ended a commercial popped up.
It was an Asmr commercial for chicken.
The sound was obviously low, since it is an asmr.

Then I heard a weird sound. At first I thought it came from the TV, but then I realized that it was coming from the other room.

** I recommend listening to Taehyung's cover of "someone like you" while reading this**

A deep voice was heard from the other room.
Someone was clearly sobbing.
My heart stared aching, just hearing that.
It was obviously Taehyung.
The sobs turned into aggressively screaming and shouting.
I got goosebumps all over my body.
I could never imagine him crying like that.
I could hear objects being thrown around the room.
I've never heard something so awful in my whole life.
Why was he crying like that?

I tried to call his name
"Taehyung?" I shouted from my seat.

I could still hear him cry awfully.

"Are you okay?" I shouted again, when I got no response.

The crying stopped.
A few moments later Taehyung opened the door.

There, he stood right in front of me.
My heart started beating faster at the sight of him. I gasped in disbelief.

He looked horrible!

His eyes were puffy and red. His hands were trembling.
It looked like his body would shut any second.
His brown hair that once used to be soft was now flying in every direction, as if he had been pulling it.
He had nail marks on his neck.
His skin was paler than ever.                     
His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears.
His tired eyes were pinned on me.

"What happened to you Taehyung?" I managed to get out.

A single tear slid down from his warm, brown eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, he fell on his knees.

He stared on the ground for a while before, he bursted in tears again. His veins were popping out of his skin.

I could do nothing, except watch him break down into pieces.

Taehyung crawled to me, and hugged me. He sobbed into my chest unceasingly. Tears soaked my chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths.

I felt really bad for him. I felt a ball form inside my stomach.

When he turned his face to me, he was a picture of grief, loss, devastation. It was the face of one who had suffered before and didn't know if he could do it again.

This was some serious shit.
I inhaled sharply, trying to focus.

"Taehyung, untie me now"  I demanded with a steady voice.

I had to do something.
I was really nervous. Was this going to work?

Taehyung looked at me with red tired eyes. His heavy eyelids were halfway shut.

As soon as he fisnished untying me, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his body against mine. I patted his back and brushed my fingers through his hair.

"It's okay, just breath" I whispered in his ear.

Taehyung was saying something but it wasn't clear, since he was sobbing in between.

"Y--you ma-ke m-me l-l-lik-e t-his Y/N"
He exclaimed.

I put Taehyung down on the chair where I sat before. I looked at him concerned. I caressed his face with my thumb. Taehyung seemed to calm down a bit.

"Let me get y-you ah drink" I said with a unsteady voice.

I didn't know what was going on in his mind..... Nor did I give a shit.

I took the opportunity and sprinted towards the door.
I could hear Taehyung gasping as he saw me exiting the apartment.

He really didn't expect that.

"HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO ME?!" I managed to hear before I ran out.

I was laughing mentally.

I felt a griping pain as I jumped down the stairs. I had no idea which floor the house was in.
I kept running and running.

I hadn't moved for a whole week and now I was sprinting like a lion, so I obviously got severe pain on my legs and stomach.

My heart stopped when I heard footsteps running down on the floor above me. The footsteps approached me, lurking closer.
I finally bursted through the front door and ran out of the building.
My breath was loud and heavy.
I breathed in the fresh air.

My heart trembled every time Taehyung shouted behind me.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP, Y/N. I PROMISE I WILL TREAT YOU GOOD" he cried while forcing his drained body to follow me.

I continued running. I could taste blood in my mouth.

Salty tears fell from my chin. Sweat was dripping down my forehead.

The weather was dark and cloudy. There weren't many buildings around. I had no idea where I was.
I ran to the left, hoping that I would see some people.
There was no one.
The streets were empty.
No humans, no vehicles. Nothing.
I started losing hope, as I heard Taehyung's footsteps coming closer.

Should I just give up? Maybe Taehyung really can make me happy?

I clenched my fists as I hesitantly took each step. I noticed my feet trembling as I decided to continue.

I heard a dunk behind me. I turned my head back and got a glimpse of a horrible sight.
Taehyung was laying on the ground reaching out a hand towards me.

"Don't -" was the last thing that came out of his mouth, before he dissappear in the fog.

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