Chapter.7 | Again?

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The sun had gone to rest, the moon took it's place as the darkness began to surround me.

Taehyung had gone out of the apartment hours ago, just like he used to do before. I was still sitting on the chair and was staring at the black tv-screen. I remembered when Taehyung shouted at me earlier this morning just because I wanted to watch TV. He told me to not even think about it. I was completely blown away by his behavior. I still don't understand why he was getting so worked up over it. Is he hiding something from me?

I wonder where Taehyung is and what he's doing right now. Does he have a job? Maybe he kidnaps other girls, like me, and is with one of them right now? I realized that I know almost nothing about him, other than his name.

Just when I was thinking about Taehyung, the door went open revealing Taehyung. The moment he stepped in the door I noticed something was different. I realized he had dyed his hair! I wasn't surpised that he had dyed his hair, everyone does that, but I was surprised at the color and how good it looked on him. It was a smokey grey color. I hate to admit it, but his hair looked amazing.
I could never guess that a man like Taehyung would dye his hair like that. I guess I don't know him enough.
I quickly looked away from his hair and acted as if I didn't notice the new change.

Taehyung looked very tired. He looked like he just had ran a marathon or something. His legs looked heavy and he struggled to move his body forward. He stumbled a few times as he made his way to the light switch.

Taehyung switched off the lights so that nobody would become suspicious that someone was in the house.
Since it was still summer it was light enough for me to see Taehyung's face.
For some unknown reason we hadn't talked to each other since lunch.
This is probably my last time being in my apartment, before he'll take me somewhere else.

Taehyung went in my room and came out with a blanket. He threw it on me before he turned around to leave.
Does he think I'm going to sleep here? Pfft, no!
I've been tied to this chair for hours now. It hurts even if I move a tiny bit. My legs have cramps and my arms are sore. And the fact that I had to sprint from him earlier makes everything more painful.

"Taehyung~" I said before he could go to the other room.

He turned around.
"What?" He asked. He looked irritated for some reason. Is it because of me?

"I don't want to sleep here" I protested.

"Why?" He asked.

"I can't fall asleep on a chair" I answered.

"You slept on a chair back at my place just fine, what's wrong now?" He asked bluntly.

"My whole body is aching. I want to sleep on my bed!" I complained.

Taehyung forrowed his brows in surprise.
"That's not happening" He said and was about to turn around to go back to my room.

"You can even tie me on the bed, I swear I won't escape" I shouted behind him.

Taehyung stopped and turned around to me.
"Where will I sleep then?" He asked.

Where you'll sleep? He's making me sleep on a chair, can't he sleep on the damn chair himself?!

"You can sleep in the same bed as me, I don't mind. I just need to sleep on the bed!" I said and jokingly wiggled my body trying to get out.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in and clenched his jaw in anger. His eyes were burning through my soul. He looked furious.
He turned around and stomped to the other room. He slammed the door behind him.
I was left alone in the livingroom speechless.
What did he get so mad at?

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