Chapter.8 | Suspense

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It was dark and chilly outside. It was probably midnight and there was not a single person on the streets.
I had no idea where I should go. Maybe I should hide somewhere till morning. But where should I go?

For some reason I had this feeling inside of me that Taehyung would show up in front of me any second. I told myself that wasn't possible because he's in dream land, and I even closed the door to my room so that he wouldn't see that I'm not there. I even put a few pillows under the blanket to make it look like I'm sleeping. I am prepared. He won't find me. Relax. I kept trying to convince myself that he won't find me but no matter how hard I tried it always went the other way. Taehyung is really smart. He will find me. He knows everything.

I mentally slapped myself. My heart beated hard every time I took a step. My whole body started shaking in fear. Why did I even leave in the first place? I would've been sleeping right now if I didn't do this.

Every minute, second that went by I thanked god that I was still safe, that's how terrified I was.

It was dead quiet outside. It was as if I was the only human on earth. So when I heard a cough from a few meters away I got chills. My eyes widened and my palms started sweating. I laughed at how dumb I was. It could be anyone. People usually hang out here and have fun, especially on Saturdays. I reminded myself that Taehyung was deeply asleep in my apartment.

I knew about some woods nearby and decided that I should go there. If Taehyung by any chance came to find me right now he would do that easily out here, but he wouldn't find me in the woods. That's impossible because there are thousands of trees in there, and not many people know that area even exists.

I ran towards the woods and stopped halfway in. It was very dark in there. It looked like a dark box, but I still went in. I made sure to be somewhere in the middle of the woods.
I looked back and saw nothing except large trees and leaves on the ground, covering dirt and branches. Then suddenly I hear a crack, more like a branch breaking from a man with large feet. I was about to burst in tears. My heart was throbbing inside my chest. Maybe it's just someone who has lost something in the woods? It doesn't have to be Taehyung, right? He's at home, sleeping.
Then I saw in the corner of my eye a shadow running behind one tree to another. I knew it was him. My mouth was left wide open. I couldn't belive how he had found me. My heart raced and my brain was on fire.

With jiggly legs and a heavy breath I started sprinting in the other direction. I have to get out of here! I stopped and paused for a second. I looked back and to my big surprise Taehyung stood right behind me!!
Fright consumed every cell in my body, swelling them with terror.
Suddenly he grabbed me from behind, locking his arm around my neck and holding my waist tightly. I tried to break free, I really tried, but he was just too strong.
He groaned some swear words before he squeezed my shoulders. I fought against him. I kept screaming and kicking, even though I missed most of the kicks. He shook my shoulder very hard and kept shouting telling me to stop. He put his hand on my mouth and isolated my screams.

I stopped moving and calmed down. Tears were flowing like a river down my cheeks. I was surprised how Taehyung handled the situation. I expected him to be way more aggressive. I thought he would punch me back to the apartment or even kill me right here, but no. He tried to calm me down but I only seemed to get more tensed. I was kind of worried.
Is he okay? Why isn't he beating me like he said he would do if I escaped?

After a few minutes I had calmed down completely. Even though it was dark outside I could still see Taehyung's exhausted face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. In that moment I knew he was mad at me. His eyes flashed with indignance and anger, much like lightning on a pitch black night.
His eyes squinted when he glared at me. His hands were turned into a fist.

"Fuck, Y/N. I trusted you for once" He said with disappointment written all over his face. His eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears.
I bit my lip in guilt to the point it started bleeding. I sucked on my bottom lip to make the blood go away.

He looked in my eyes again. His eyes were threatening. His glare sucked something out of me.
"Don't even dare to make a sound. Come with me quietly!" He whispered through gritted teeth.

I nodded my head. Taehyung grabbed my wrist and started finding a way out of the woods. I was still mesmerized. Is this really Taehyung?

For some reason we walked passed my apartment and down the street.
I wondered where we were going. Taehyung pulled out car keys and unlocked a car that was parked nicely in front of us. It was a red Mercedes.

"Get in" He demanded and opened the door for me. I got in and put on the seatbelt.
I was really confused as for why we were sitting in the car right now.
Taehyung sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

"A-are we leaving already?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to talk because I thought he was already irritated from earlier.

"Hm" He answered and started driving. I turned my head slightly back and saw that Taehyung had already put my bags in the backseat.
I took a glimpse of Taehyung in the corner of my eye and noticed that he looked exhausted. His eyes were red  and his eyelids were heavy. He had huge bags under his eyes. He had clenched his jaw, it looked like he was trying to maintain his anger. He was trying to hold it in. I knew he was mad right now.
I don't think he should drive in this state. What if he crashes?

"Weren't we gonna leave tomorrow?
I don't think you shoul-"
Taehyung looked at me with narrowed eyes and I immediately shut up.


It had been an hour and Taehyung was still driving. My eyes started flickering, threatening to shut down.
I was tired and I am sure Taehyung was too. I could just sleep but I wanted to see where Taehyung was taking me to. Without me noticing my eyes started to close and I quickly fell asleep.

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