Chapter. 6 | Fear

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"Did you miss me, darling?" he asked coming closer. His voice was unrecognizable.

Searing shot of fear ran up my body.
What does he want from me?!
A scream escaped my pale lips.

Taehyung's eyes widened for a second before narrowing in anger.
"Don't you dare to make a sound" He said in a threatening voice.

I was surprised that he hadn't jumped on me yet and I was still standing on my two feet.
I stood still. It was like my feet were glued on the floor, I couldn't move a muscle even tho I wanted to.
I looked over to the front door. It wasn't that far away. Maybe just three steps and I would be out. But I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Taehyung is very fast and he wouldn't spare me.

"Don't you dare to run away again" He groaned when he noticed that I was looking at the front door.

"You shouldn't have done that, Y/N." He said with a calmer voice. His voice was soothing rather than threatening. It was almost like he turned into another person.

"You're going to regret doing that!" He continued, but now he sounded like Taehyung again. The same furious voice. It was like he suddenly remembered that I ran away. It sent shivers down my back, causing me to tense and prepare for the worst.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whimpered. I knew that shouting would only make him angrier. My whole body was shaking. It couldn't handle the fear any longer.

Taehyung tilted his head and pierced his stare into my soul. He let out a chuckle.
"Because I love you, and I want to make you mine." He said and came closer.

"This is not the right way to do it!" I said almost shouting at him.

It suddenly looked like Taehyung starting thinking about something.  Taehyung clenched his jaw and his smirk got replaced by a straight line.
"Well, I don't care." He said.

"You're so mean!" I shouted. I bit my tounge when I realized that I shouldn't have done that.
Surprisingly, Taehyung's expressions didn't change at all.

"If you can just cooperate, then I'll be good to you" He said trying to maintain his anger.

"BULLSHIT!" I shouted as tears ran down my cheek. I saw how Taehyung's face immediately changed.

"ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT!" He shouted through gritted teeth and ran towards me.
I closed my eyes expecting him to hit me. Instead, he aggressively turned me around and pushed me to the wall. I yelped in pain. He held both of my wrists with one hand while he searched for something else in his pocket with the other hand. I felt something cold on my wrists. I groaned in pain as I felt a sharp cut on my wrists. It was handcuffs!

He turned me around and pushed me harder to the wall. His big hands were around my neck.
His face was just inches away from mine, I could feel his warm breath against my cheek.
"I hate hurting you, but you leave me with no choice." He whispered.
Taehyung was about to do something else but hesitated. He lifted up his hand but put it back don't again. I wasn't sure what he wanted to do.
He studied my terrified face and decided not to do anything. I let out a sigh of relief.

He sighed deeply and grabbed my arm. He dragged me behind him before he threw me on a chair that was laying in the middle of the livingroom.

"You love your home, right? Guess what, we're going to stay here tonight." He said and smiled. My heart started beating faster.
I hope someone comes here and finds me. I don't want to be here anymore. But it's already been a whole week. I'm sure people have been here already and searched for me. What if everyone thinks that I'm dead?

I struggled against the handcuffs, letting the warm metal eat into my wrist.
Taehyung chuckled.
"You ain't going anywhere" He said before he took out a rope. He had a evil smirk on his face. He started tying it around my stomach, around my legs and around my hands.
I wiggled my entire body trying to make him stop, but that didn't seem to bother Taehyung.

After he had finished tying me, he disappeared in the kitchen and explored the apartment. I suddenly saw him coming out of my room with a bag in his hand. Wasn't he in the kitchen?

He had brought out some of my clothes and started putting them in the bag.

"Why are you putting my clothes in the bag?" I asked desperately. I could feel myself getting tense as every second went by.

"We're going on a vacation" He said and shot me a smile. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Is he going to take me away to somewhere far away? Nobody will be able to find me. I'll have to suffer my whole life.
Oh no!

"W-why do we have to go somewhere else? C-can't we just stay here?" I stuttered. I desperately tried to convince him.

"Don't act so smart with me" Taehyung said from accross the room.
He finished packing the bag and threw his body on the sofa.
I desperately tried thinking of something to convince him but my mind wasn't cooperating. Taehyung is too smart to fall for anything anyway.
I can't do anything. My life is over. I threw my head back and cried silently.

Taehyung was sitting across the room and staring at me intensely. It looked like he was distracted by some other thoughts. His hands were firmly clasped under his chin, a gleeful grin stretched across his face. He was handsome, yes, but his charm had long gone.

"Do you know how lucky you are compared to all the other girls that get kidnapped?" He asked as he studied my dead face.

I didn't know how to answer that question.
"What do you mean? Getting kidnapped is not a good thing."

Taehyung went to the kitchen and brought a cup of juice.
"I mean, you get enough food, you're allowed to go to the toilet. I think you should be thankful that you haven't gotten raped or killed yet. I would consider this luxury" He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

I literally got shivers down my spine when he said that. What does he mean with I should be thankful that I haven't gotten raped or killed yet. Does he mean that he will do it one day?
I could feel my eyes tearing up as I started thinking about all the things he could've done to me.

"W-would you ever kill me?" I asked hesitatenly. A part of me didn't want to know his answer.

Taehyung leaned on the wall and pretended to be in deep thoughts.
"That depends on you" He finally said.

He came forward and reached the cup towards me.
"This is for you" He said and nodded.

"I am not thirsty" I lied. My mouth was drier than a desert. It hurt just to open it. But, who knows if he has mixed some kind of drugs in it. Maybe he's still mad about what I did earlier, and he wants to take revenge. I refused to drink it.

"If you don't fucking drink this then I'll let you starve to death!" He snapped.

I flinched at his sudden voice raise. I knew that he didn't really mean that he'll kill me.
I chuckled causing Taehyung to furrow his brows in anger.

"You wouldn't do that" I said. It sounded as if I was challenging him.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow and started laughing. His laugh quickly got replaced by silence.

"I don't think you know what I'm capable of" He said. His eyes got darker and he got the evil look on his face again. I pretended to be calm but deep down I was terrified.

He came even closer to me and bended down so that he could see straight in my eyes. My eyes widened when he grabbed my jaw.
"I don't think you want to know what I can do to you, do you?" He asked and softly touched my face with his finger. His grip on my jaw tightened.

My fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm. I couldn't hear my rapid breathing, but I could feel the oxygen flooding in and out of my lungs. Hesitantly, I looked him in his dark eyes.
I wanted to close my eyes in fear, but I couldn't show him that I was scared of him.

"Stay in your line, baby" He said before he stepped back and disappeared from my sight.
My breath was shaking and I sighed in relief.

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