Chapter.9 | Secret Door

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I woke up to someone tapping my arm. I groaned and opened my eyes. With squinted eyes I looked to the left and saw Taehyung.

"Wake up, we have arrived" He said and leaned forward to see if I had woken up.
Taehyung was still looking as tired as he did before I went to sleep, perhaps even more. His eyes were red and heavy.

I looked out of the car window and was greeted by several birds that were flying around.
The early morning sunlight was peeking in the windows.
Where are we? I had absolutely no idea where we were.

Taehyung got out of the car, so I did too. The hair on my arms raised the moment I got out. It was surprisingly cold out here. From the view inside the car, I thought it might be perfect weather out here, not too cold or too hot. But I was completely wrong. Cold licked at my face and crept under my clothes. It wasn't a pleasant coldness. It was the kind that made you walk faster and brace your head against the wind.
Cold spread painfully throughout my feet. I wrapped my arms around my body, hoping to make my body warmer.

I looked over at Taehyung to see if I wasn't the only one going nuts. It looks like I was the only one.
The cold didn't seem to bother Taehyung at all. He was just wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. The cold wind made Taehyung's hair fly in every direction.

Taehyung locked the door before he came to my side. He brushed his long fingers through his grey hair. He looked at my face for a few seconds before he pulled my arms off of each other. I gave him a confused look. Unexpectedly he locked his hand in mine and started walking forward. I realized we looked like a couple. I didn't think much of it and walked along.

I looked around us and studied the area. This street could be any place, anywhere. The place was surrounded by big beautiful mountains. The streets were empty and clean. The grass looked freshly cut, it had a refreshing green color. There were flowers, many kinds, white, yellow, purple and blue. It honestly was a gorgeous and peaceful place.

There weren't many houses here, which didn't surprise me at all. I knew Taehyung would choose a place with as little people as possible. I had only seen about four or five houses so far, and none of them were Taehyung's. I knew Taehyung had been here before, he knew where he was going.
We continued walking for quite a while and I wondered why Taehyung parked the car so far away.
My hands and feet felt numb. It felt as if they were frozen. I wondered if Taehyung felt the same.

The further we walked, the less houses we saw. It had been two whole minutes and I stopped seeing any houses. There were no houses nearby anymore. There was just a single street that didn't seem to end. There was high grass on each side of the street.
I silently gasped when a horrifying thought crossed my mind.
What if he's taking me somewhere far away to kill me, because I ran away yesterday?
I chuckled at myself causing Taehyung to shoot me a confused look.
He wouldn't kill me, if he wanted to kill me, he would have already done it.

It didn't take a long time before I finally saw something in the distance. I felt myself getting happier that we were finally here. I squinted my eyes to see it better. It was something bright and huge. I gasped in disbelief as I looked at the beautiful house.
I rolled my eyes when I realized it was still not Taehyung's place. That huge house wasn't even a house, it was a whole mansion, it was huge. 'Beautiful' is an understatement, it was out of this world. I wonder who lives in there.

We were now just a few meters away from the mansion, and I was in awe. The house towered over me as if it was attempting to intimidate me. The cream coating of the paint shined as the sun beat down on it, causing me to have to squint. It was even more beautiful close up, and it's probably even more beautiful from the inside. But who would make such a beautiful mansion in a place where nobody would see it?

As we stepped onto the sidewalk, I noticed a marble fountain sitting towards the right side of the lawn.

I felt Taehyung's grip on my hand tighten. Not so hard that it would hurt, but just enough for me to look at him with a questionable expression.
He looked at me and smiled. I felt my heart melt.

"I really hope you like this place" He said and took out a pair of gold keys out of his pocket. I looked at him in shock. Taehyung walked to the huge doors and unlocked them.
I looked at him confused.

"Wait! I-is this the place you were going to take me to? I-is this your house?" I stuttered. There's no way Taehyung owns this. I don't even think he has a job, how can he afford all this?

"That's right. I own this place. This is our house" He answered proudly. He chuckled at my surprised expression.
Did he just say 'our house'? As in his and my house?
I couldn't convince myself even though everything was in front of me.
Taehyung opened the door and gestured me to step in first. Taehyung had a smirk plastered on his face. He knew that I was impressed and he liked it.
I couldn't figure out if this was reality or if I was still dreaming.

With jiggly legs I stepped in the house.
Yup, I was right, the house is even prettier on the inside. I gulped as I looked around the house with wide eyes. I still couldn't belive it. I had so many questions.

The windows had royal curtains hanging on the other side of them, drawn so that the sunlight could stream through. The black and white linoleum floor of the entrance glowed. Stairs layed across the room, climbing toward the ceiling. A doorway was on either side of the room, one admitting you into the kitchen, the other into the living room. There were a few door that were closed so I didn't know what was hiding behind them.

"I don't understand. Where did you get all the money to buy this place from?" I asked stunned. It was so huge that I could easily get lost in here.

"You don't have to understand, love. You don't know who I really am" He said and smirked. I got Goosebumps all over my body and got creeped out. What does he mean with I don't know who he really is? Is he a member of a gang? Maybe he sells drugs? For some reason I didn't want any of those thoughts to be true.
Even though Taehyung have kidnapped me and made me go through so much, I still can't imagine Taehyung as someone who would sell drugs or even worse, murder people.

"What do you mean? Who are you then?" I asked and hoped for an answer.

Taehyung turned around and went towards the stairs.
"Come, let me show you your room" He completely ignored my question and started walking up the stairs.

I followed Taehyung up the staircase. There were fours rooms up there, one was my room, the other one was Taehyung's room and the last one was a movie theater, yes a whole movie theater.

Taehyung was about to show me my room, but I stopped him.
"Wait, I am not going to be tied up on a chair anymore?" I asked.

"That depends on your behavior. You'll be sleeping in this room for now" he said and opened the door, revealing a beautiful room.
My eyes widened at the aesthetic room.
The whole house was very pretty and looked expensive, so I don't know why I was so surprised when I saw my room. I thought Taehyung would make me sleep in a plain looking room, but no.

The room looked like it belonged to a queen. The whole bedroom was as big as my livingroom!
The walls were painted a beautiful golden color, with small black patterns painted on them. There was a sheepskin rug underfoot, velvet blankets on the king-size bed, golden wool pillowes that matched the walls. Silver curtains were flowing down from the window. Fake plants were lined up after each other on the table.
There was also a tall cupboard on the left. I noticed that there were quite many painting in the room too. There was a black door on the corner of the room, which I assume is the bathroom.

I liked the room. It was aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. Whoever decorated this room must've spent alot of time on it. Maybe it was Taehyung himself?
If my room was this beautiful, I wondered how Taehyung's room looked like. It's probably ten times bigger and prettier than mine.

I looked around and realized that Taehyung had already left. I came out of my room and went to look for him. I didn't know where to start. I called out his name a few times but didn't get an answer. I went down to the livingroom but he wasn't there either. I noticed that there was a door that Taehyung hadn't shown me. I hesitantly walked towards the brown door and held the door handle.
What can this room be? A bathroom? Another bedroom? Just when I was about to turn the door handle I heard a loud shout from behind me.


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