Chapter Two

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"It's so nice to see you two again," Meyer smiled at Ash and Serena. "More coffee?"

"Just more tea for me please," Serena replied, while Ash just nodded for coffee.

"So, what's been going on in Kalos?" Ash asked as Meyer filled his cup.

"Still peaceful since Team Flare left," Bonnie replied, sipping some of her tea. 

"However, there was this recent attack on the jail that held the other remaining Team Flare members," Clemont continued, frowning. "The only people to survive were the four Team Flare Admins. No one knows where they are though."

"Now's not the time to worry about them," Meyer cut in. "We have guests."

"Of course, father," Bonnie and Clemont replied.

A knock at the door made them forget about the news Clemont brought up. Bonnie almost jumped out of her chair and she ran to get the door. The others heard her greet the person at the door and invite them in. Bonnie soon appeared back in the kitchen, Korrina following her. Instead of her usual skating attire, she wore a white t-shirt, a red jacket, white shorts, red and white sneakers, and her mega glove. Her hair was down, and she wore a red headband. Her Lucario was by her side, still wearing the bracelet that held its mega stone.  

"Hey Korrina!" Ash and Serena greeted her.

"Hey guys!" Korria greeted, smiling at them. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

She sat down next to Clemont, and Meyer handed her some food.

"So, Bonnie told me that you two are engaged!" Korrina stated. "When's the wedding?"

" a few months from now," Ash replied. "Serena said that she wanted to be married in the fall."

"The leaves are pretty then, that's why," Serena explained before anyone could ask that question.

They continued to have small talk until they all finished their dinner. 

"Why don't we go visit Prof. Sycamore?" Ash asked, standing up. "It would be nice to see him again!"

"Sure! Why not?" Bonnie smiled.

The five of them waved goodbye to Meyer before heading out.


After a few minutes, the group arrived at Prof. Sycamore's lab, and Ash knocked on the door. Sophie soon came to the door, and smiled at the group.

"Ah, hello everyone!" she greeted. "Prof. Sycamore is sitting with his two assistants in the living room having their night tea."

"Thanks!" the group thanked before making their way to the room. 

Just as Sophie said, Prof. Sycamore was sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting with Mairin and Alain. Mairin had longer hair and was wearing blue and white sneakers, green socks, white shorts, a blue tank top, a green jacket, her green bracelet, a blue and white hat, and a mega necklace. Alain's hair was just the same, but he wore black sneakers, blue jeans, a white button up dress shirt, an orange jacket, a lab coat, and a mega bracelet that seemed to be homemade. When they noticed the others, they instantly stood up and greeted the guests. After a friendly reunion, they sat around a table with some tea and chatted. 

Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the room next door, making everyone jump in alarm.

"What was that?!?" Bonnie asked, squeezing her brother's arm.

"I'll go check," Alain stated, standing up.

"I'll come with you," Ash joined him.  

The two friends went off to the room where the sound was heard. The others waited patiently until Alain and Ash finally returned, Alain clenching a piece of paper in his hand. 

A Familiar Way (Sequel to The Disaster of Kalos)Where stories live. Discover now