Chapter Eight

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A Druddigon, a Liepard, a Drapion, and a Weavile lay in front of the Admins, fainted. In front of the group of friends lay some of their fainted Pokemon as well. The only Pokemon still standing were Prof. Sycamore's Mega Garchomp and Clemont's Mega Manectric. Both backed the Amins up into a corner. Emma stepped forward, glaring at the two Admins.

"Where are Nix, Ash, and Alain?" she asked.

"Why would we tell you anything?" Bryony snarled.

"Emma, there's no way they will tell us, no matter how many times we ask," Looker sighed, placing his hand on her shoulders.

Emma ignored him as she continued to glare at the Admins. She clenched her fists and began with rage. She finally turned away, but the dark look never left her face.

"Garchomp. Kill them."

The Admins gasped as Mega Garchomp stepped closer to them, but Prof. Sycamore intervened.

"Hold on, Emma!" Prof. Sycamore objected. "We can't just kill them!"

"Yes, we can," Clemont spoke up.

The others looked at him, shocked that he would say something like that. His normally calm face was replaced by anger.

"Clemont, how can you say that?" Bonnie asked, walking up to her older brother.

"Look at all the shit they've done to us!" Clemont exclaimed, his anger boiling over. "They just couldn't leave us the hell alone!"

"We're doing this for a perfect world," Celosia remarked. 

"I've heard that bullshit before," Looker growled. 

The Admins became silent as Looker and Prof. Sycamore nodded at each other.

"Emma," Prof. Sycamore began, looking back at the Admins. "Take the others out of here and search for the others. We'll join you as soon as we can."

Emma smiled and nodded as she led everyone out, Clemont returning his Manectric. The others quickly returned their Pokemon as they followed Korrina out of the hallway they were in. As soon as they were gone, Prof. Sycamore nodded at Mega Garchomp.

"This would have been different if you never joined Team Flare," Looker simply said, looking away.

The four Admins only smirked in reply, and Mable stared straight into Prof. Sycamore's eyes.

"See you in Hell."

Prof. Sycamore snapped his fingers as soon as he looked away. In one clean swipe, the sound of four bodies hitting the floor rang through the air. Prof. Sycamore shuddered at the sound and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Looker smiling sadly at him, and Mega Garchomp standing by his side, blood on it's scythe-like claws. Prof. Sycamore looked down, disgusted with himself for what he just did. A pool of blood began to form around his feet, but he didn't bother to move.

"We had to do this," Looker whispered, as he wiped the blood off of Mega Garchomp's claws. "To protect our friends. To protect our families. To protect Kalos."

"...Let's just go..." Prof. Sycamore muttered, returning his Garchomp.

Looker sighed as he watched his friend walk down the hallway where the others had previously gone. He looked upwards and noticed a camera. Peering around the room he found a piece of metal and chucked it at the camera, breaking it instantly. He looked back to the beheaded figures of the Admins before walking over to them. He grabbed their pokeballs and returned their fainted Pokemon. He then grabbed the rest of their Pokemon and placed them in the pockets of his shorts. Sighing once again, he turned and walked down the hallway, leaving the Admins' corpses to rot in the hallway.

A Familiar Way (Sequel to The Disaster of Kalos)Where stories live. Discover now