Chapter Three

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Emma silently followed the two Team Flare Admins as they led her away from her apartment.  She didn't have the heart to speak up as she was fearful to what they would do to her loved ones if she said something wrong. However, she wanted to ask them why their boss wanted her and who their boss was. It couldn't be Lysandre. He died from being crushed by a building, didn't he? 

"Watch your step."

Emma was taken out of her thoughts as one of the Admins motioned her to step into a helicopter. She begrudgingly obeyed, and stepped into the helicopter, finding a seat far away from the other Admins. The helicopter soon took off, Lumiose City shrinking the further away from it they flew.

"I just love the sight of Lumiose City getting smaller and smaller, don't you, Celosia?" one Admin smirked at the other one.

"Why, of course I do, dear Mable," Celosia replied, smirking back.

"Can you please just shut up?!?" Emma snapped at them, before turning away from them again with folded arms and looked out the window.

She hated how they captured her so easily. Hated how she was helpless in helping her boyfriend and Pokemon partner. Hated how she was unprepared. Hated...Hated...Hated...

"Aw, someone's not happy," Mable said in a sickenly sweet voice. "Poor baby."

Emma grew furious and was about to stand up to fight them, but she thought the better of it and just ignored them. The rest of the helicopter flight was in silence as she tried to make a mental note of where they were going. She had to find a way to give the information of her location to Nix and Looker. The helicopter flew over most of the cities before finally landing in the outskirts of Geosenge Town. 

"We've arrived," the pilot announced as he opened the door.

Emma sighed to herself as she climbed off of the helicopter, knowing that the two Admins climbed off right behind her.

"Follow me," Celosia demanded, as she began to lead the way. 

Knowing that Mable was right behind her, Emma followed Celosia right up to a dead end. Emma looked up at the rocks in confusion, then jumped when they moved apart, revealing a hideout.

"Wasn't this place destroyed five years ago?" she asked out loud.

"Unfortunately yes," Mable replied as the three of them stepped into the elevator. "However, we were able to fix it up."

Oh great, Emma thought as the elevator landed. 

"The boss is waiting for you, Emma," Celosia said.

Emma turned around to face them, but the two had stepped back into the elevator, leaving her behind. Knowing that she was trapped here, she began to walk around the hideout. It was a decent size and very empty. Of course, all of the Team Flare grunts had been arrested and killed in the destruction of the jail. She wandered around some more until she approached a room that held only one chair and a collection of tv monitors. The door slammed shut behind her and locked itself. Swallowing her fear, she approached the chair, noticing that someone was sitting in it.

"It's nice to see you again, Emma."

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" Emma managed to ask. 

The figure chuckled, before turning around. Emma gasped in horror and took a step back. 

"I-It's you!" she exclaimed, backing up until her back hit the door. "B-But you were killed in the explosion!"

The figure chuckled again and took a step towards her. 

"Ah Emma, you've grown up so much!"

"W-What?" she asked in fear and confusion.

A Familiar Way (Sequel to The Disaster of Kalos)Where stories live. Discover now