Chapter Seven

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Ash paced the small cell that they were stuck in while Alain and Nix just sat there, sighing. 

"What are we going to do?" Alain asked, leaning his head against the wall. "We have no way to contact the others, Lysandre and the other two Admins are coming, and here we are, just sitting ducks!"

"I wish I knew," Nix sighed. "All I knew is that we failed in our plan."

Alain felt around his pockets, and took out a golden ring with a small diamond on it, similar to the one he gave Mairin before they came here. He smiled sadly before sliding the ring on his left finger. He gave it one last look before frowning and standing up. 

"We can't just sit here!" Alain exclaimed, earning glances from Ash and Nix. "We need to warn the others!"

"But you just said that we couldn't!" Ash said, confusion decorating his face.

Alain just began to chuckle, reaching into his pocket and taking out a pokeball. The other two grinned as Alain released his Bisharp. 

"I can't believe they forgot to take our Pokemon," Nix chuckled.

Alain just nodded to Bisharp, who launched itself at the bars to the cell. With one clean swipe, the bars were cut in half. Quickly, he returned his Pokemon and the three of them ran out of the cell, alarms beginning to blare as they escaped.

"How do we get out of here?" Nix asked as the three of them ran.

"If they didn't destroy our Holo Casters we could of pulled up a map!" Ash groaned.

"Follow me!" Alain commanded, taking a left hallway.

The other two followed after him. They ran down the hallway, trying to find an exit. The lair was eerily silent and they began to worry that there was no one left. Alain took a sharp right and immediately stopped running, resulting in the other two running into them. 

"Alain?" Nix asked, noticing that his friend had frozen up. "What's wrong?"

Alain began to shake in rage and the other two gasped in sync when they noticed who was waiting for them at the end of the hallway. Celosia, Bryony, Aliana, and Mable stood in a line with their arms folded, smirking and blocking the only exit. But it wasn't them that caused the two friends to gasp. Making his way towards them was Lysandre.

A grin was plastered across his face, and his hands were clasped behind his back. His eyepatch that was over his right eye was gone, revealing a robotic eye that glinted a blood red. The three friends remained frozen when Lysandre stopped a few feet in front of them. His eyes lingered over the three of them, before making his way over to Nix.

"Nix, I presume?" Lysandre asked, earning a growl in reply. "I don't see what Emma sees in you."

"Don't pretend you actually care about her," Nix growled, holding himself back from full out attacking the monster that stood before him.

Lysandre only chuckled before he moved to stand in front of Alain. His smile turned into a frown while Alain just glared at him. 

"Alain," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "Such a disappointment. You had great potential, but you threw it all away for...who? Oh right, that annoying pest, Mairin."

At this, Alain clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white.

"Don't talk about her like that," Alain growled through gritted teeth.

"Well, someone's protective of their girlfriend," Lysandre chuckled, before noticing the ring Alain wore. "I'm sorry, I meant your fiancée."

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