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Here's the next chapter ! I can't believe I have over 300 hundred reads already. I hope you all are enjoying this!

    The cold air of Siberia seeped through Talisha's clothes. She was in a vehicle driving down a snowy road. Two soldiers at her side and Agler sitting in the front passenger seat.

She had no idea where they were taking her. She didn't ask questions. She tried to ask when they first got her out the cell and that led to her getting slapped. Now, she sat in the vehicle with a bruise forming on her cheek and blood leaking from her lip.

Bucky was in another vehicle riding to the same place. All he knew was that they wanted to test Talisha's abilities. They basically set the warehouse into a giant obstacle course with soldiers in there to attack her. Bucky knew that it wasn't a good idea. She would kill them or get killed. That's how it was. She didn't want to kill and he knew that but she when fighting for her life he knew that she would.

The vehicle stopped and Bucky got out. Talisha stepped out and immediately stuffed her small hands into the coat Hydra provided to her. Underneath Talisha was wearing all black. They stepped into the warehouse and the guard immediately stopped her.

"Take off your coat." The guard ordered. "It's freezing." Talisha said. "Do it." The guard snapped.

Talisha sighed and took off the coat leaving her in the black jeans and long sleeve black shirt.

"Go in there." Agler said.

She looked at the open door that led to straight darkness and then back to Agler with raised eyebrows.

"You want me to go in there? The place that looks like the doors to hell? That's where you want me to go?" She asked with a slight attitude. "Talisha, I don't want to deal with your attitude right now. Now go." Agler demanded.

Talisha sighed and took nervous steps towards the open door. She stopped and turned her head. Her eyes caught with Bucky's. Bucky saw fear underneath the bravery. He felt a little bad but he didn't show it. Talisha turned around and took a deep breath. She clenched her small fists and walked in. The door immediately slammed shut causing her to yelp. Red lights turned on lighting up the place slightly. Talisha looked around nervously.

The sound of a gunshot went off and Talisha immediately jumped when the bullet hit the door behind her.

"Oh my god." Talisha muttered in fear.

Talisha clenched her fists and closed her eyes. She focused on building a protective barrier around her body. When she opened her eyes she saw the familiar blue tint surrounding her. She had put up her forcefield making it impossible for anything to hurt her.

"Is this some type of test?!" She screamed.

She saw a man running towards her. She immediately pushed her hands out and shoved him backwards with a blast of energy. Another soldier ran at her and Talisha blasted him away from her.

Talisha heard footsteps and turned around to be met with a fist in the face. She yelled in pain and fell to the floor. Talisha held her cheek and kicked her leg out nailing the soldier in the groin. He groaned loudly and Talisha took that opportunity to blast him back.

She crawled backwards still holding onto her cheek.

Were they trying to kill me? She wondered.

Bucky watched the surveillance camera. Both of his fists were clenched. Everyone standing outside the room could hear Talisha's screams of both pain and anger. The sound of gunshots is what put everyone on edge. Only two soldiers had guns in there the rest were fighting her in hand to hand combat.

"Was ist los?" Agler asked concerned.

What is happening?

Talisha yelped when she saw a soldier get shot down. More gunshots filled the warehouse causing her to hide behind a large pole.

S.H.I.E.L.D agents piled into the warehouse including Agent Tyler Kits. He easily took out each Hydra agent he came across.

"This doesn't look like a Hydra base to me." Tyler said through his comm link. "We've noticed that Kits." Agent Marks said while taking out a soldier.

As Talisha hid behind the large pole a Hydra agent went towards her. Her eyes widened and she got prepared to fight.

"Reaper lass uns gehen." The soldier demanded.

Reaper, lets go.

Talisha shook her head. She knew something was wrong. Those other people in here weren't apart of hydra. This was her chance at freedom. The soldier quickly charged at her and she immediately kicked her leg out. He grabbed it and twisted her around. She groaned as she got shoved to the floor. Talisha quickly flipped herself over. The soldier took out a gun to shoot her in the leg so she won't fight him on leaving. As he pointed the gun Bucky came behind him and snapped his neck. Talisha gasped.

"Let's go." He said. "Are you taking me back?" She asked fearfully.

Bucky looked at her for a while. She didn't deserve to go back. He knew that and he was going to make sure she didn't go back.

"Get up and stay behind me." He said.

Talisha scrambled up and immediately went behind him. Her hand instinctively grabbed onto the back of his combat gear again. Bucky looked at her and nodded quickly before carefully walking through the giant warehouse.

A soldier ran towards the two shooting his gun. Bucky raised his metal arm and blocked the bullets. Talisha stepped away from Bucky and pushed the air in front of her, sending the soldier flying backwards. Bucky's head snapped towards her and she gave him a small smile. He nodded at her. Talisha saw the soldier running towards Bucky from the side.

"Get down!" She yelled.

Bucky didn't listen and just turned sending a punch with his metal arm straight into the soldier's face. Talisha's eyes widened.

"Okay then." She muttered.

Talisha didn't ask any questions or make any comments after that. She just followed Bucky. Bucky took out soldiers left and right even a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents too. He didn't know if they were going to hurt the girl so he had to make sure he wasn't helping her get out of here for nothing.

Bucky got to a room and opened it.

"Stay in here." He said. "What? Why?" Talisha immediately asked. "Just stay here and do not move." Bucky demanded. "Are you going to come back?" Talisha asked nervously. Bucky shook his head causing tears to prick her eyes. "You can't leave me alone. They'll find me." She cried. Bucky clenched his jaw. "I'm gonna get them out of here. Then you could escape. Now stay here." Bucky said before walking out and closing the door.

He made sure the door couldn't open and then left.

Talisha backed up into the wall, hyperventilating. The little girl was panicking. She was left all alone in the dark room.

"Okay Tash, Okay. Just breathe." The little girl chanted.

She wiped her tears from her face and smoothed her hair back. The door was kicked open and she screamed loudly. Talisha grabbed the closest object to here which was a broken pipe.

She immediately ran at the man and tried to knock him with the pipe but he blocked it with his forearm.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" Tyler exclaimed shocked at the short little girl attacking him with a pipe.

She ignored him and kicked him straight in the crotch.

"Ah! Motherfucker!" Tyler yelled. Talisha gasped and then looked at him confused. "What does that mean?" She asked confused. "You don't want to know." Tyler grunted.

Hell's Touch | Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now