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Here's the next chapter hope you all enjoy !

    "Happy birthday!" Tyler screamed while jumping on Talisha.

    She jumped and groaned loudly when she felt the weight of Tyler on her.

    "Oh my god Tyler! You weigh a ton!" She exclaimed. "Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!" He yelled excitedly while hugging her tightly.

    She scrunched her face up in annoyance and clenched her fist. She sent a jolt of energy through her body shoving Tyler off and to the floor.

    "Ow god dammit!" He yelled when he landed harshly on his butt.

    Talisha smirked and got up from the bed. She bent down and kissed Tyler on his head.

    "Thank you for waking me up like a damn doofus." She said causing him to glare. "You're a little shit. I swear to god I will throw your little ass in the closet and leave you there." He growled.

    She smiled and walked into her bathroom.

    "I love you too old man!" She yelled.

    Tyler's eyes widened.

    "Old? I'm not old." He mumbled to himself.

    Tyler got up from the floor and brushed himself off.

    "Pain in the ass." He muttered while walking out of Talisha's room.

    Talisha quickly showered and got dress into a dress and sneakers. She went downstairs to find Tyler making her breakfast. She smiled widely and her heart swelled with love. Talisha loves Tyler like a father. He's been nothing but caring and sweet to her. He loved her with everything in him.

    "Make sure the toast doesn't burn, I'm going to get your gift." Tyler said. She smiled and nodded.

    Talisha padded over to the stove and took over while Tyler went into his room and grabbed the big box that sitting in the corner. It was wrapped and had a giant bow on it. In the box was a metal bo staff that Talisha would use on her first mission when she turns 18.

    He began to drag the box into the kitchen creating a loud sound that caused Talisha to turn around in confusion.

    "What is that?" She asked confused. "Your gift." Tyler answered once he got the box in the front place.

    He huffed and stood up. Talisha laughed.

    "What's funny?" He asked. "You're getting old." She said causing him to glare at him. "Remember the threat from earlier? I will seriously throw you into a closet." He snapped jokingly.

    She laughed and took the toast off the pan.

    "Alright open your gift!" Tyler exclaimed.

    She went to the box and ripped the wrapping paper off. She saw the giant black case underneath it and her heart skipped a beat. She opened the box and shot up screaming with excitement.

    "Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you!" She yelled while jumping into Tyler's arms.

    Tyler laughed and hugged her tightly.

    "Thank you so much Tyler." She said happily. He smiled. "You're gonna need your special weapon when you're on your missions." Tyler said.

    Talisha smiled.


    "Ah!" Talisha yelled while taking down and agent and pressing her new bo staff against the agent's chest.

    Tyler smiled proudly.

    Talisha got up and let out a deep breath.

    "Are you letting me win because it's my birthday?" She asked the Agent still laying down on the floor dazed.

    He shook his head no. Talisha smiled proudly and walked off with her bo staff at her side.

    "You're getting good. When Keller comes in I have to give him props." Tyler said causing Talisha to smile.

    Just as Tyler said Agent Keller walked in.

    "Thank you I know I'm a fantastic teacher." He said confidently. Talisha laughed and Tyler rolled his eyes. "Forget it I take it back." Tyler said.

    Keller walked up to them and put his arm around Talisha.

    "Happy birthday kiddo." He said causing her to smile.

    Over the time that Talisha had been with Shield she also grew closer with Keller. She got used to his attitude and even fought back with her own. Talisha had a smart mouth but you wouldn't know it unless you're really close to her.

    "Thank you." She said while hugging him back. "I see the old man got you a proper bo staff." He teased. Talisha smiled while twirling the staff in her hand and Tyler glared. "Man I don't appreciate my daughter and coworker talking shit about me." Tyler said. Talisha smiled. "Wanna fight old man?" She asked. "I'll take you both out." Tyler said.

    Talisha scoffed and looked at Keller. He smirked and charged at Tyler. Tyler blocked his hit and swung hitting his jaw. Talisha cringed when she saw Keller go down.

    "Come on little girl." Tyler said.

    Talisha charged at him with her staff. She swung and he blocked it. Talisha kicked her leg out hitting Tyler in the stomach. He stumbled back and Talisha went to knock his feet out from under him with her staff. He jumped over it and reached for her bo staff. Talisha kept her grip tight but Tyler shoved the stick back causing Talisha. She grunted as she hit the floor and let go of the stick. Tyler smirked but she quickly flipped up and ran at Tyler. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his neck. She used her body to flip him down and get his arm in an armlock. Tyler grunted loudly why Keller cheered loudly.

    "Yes!" Keller yelled.

    Tyler tapped his hand on the mat and Talisha released him. Tyler looked at her with pride.

    "Did I just witness Talisha beat your ass?" Fury asked while walking in.

    Talisha smiled proudly.

    "Yes you did!"

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