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    Here's another chapter

    Talisha stared at Bucky as he walked into the room. His eyes were cold and distant. Talisha immediately knew something was off. She didn't question it though because she knew she'd draw suspicion to herself.

Bucky walked towards her.

"Train." The guard informed before walking out the room.

"Snowball, you all right? You seem a bit off." Talisha stated.

Bucky didn't answer. He just sent a punch in her direction. Talisha saw it and ducked.

"Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed. "Are you listening to me?" She asked.

Bucky didn't answer her. He swung his arm and she blocked it. She sent a punch of her own but he grabbed her fist and twisted her arm spinning her body around.

"Ow!" She grumbled.

She stomped on his toe and pressed her heel down heavily. Bucky grunted and Talisha swung her head back catching his nose. He groaned loudly and let her go. Talisha winced and held her head. She spun around and glared daggers at the soldier.

"What the hell?!" She growled annoyed. "What the hell happened on the last mission?" Bucky asked. "Nothing. We eliminated the target." Talisha answered.

That's the truth but Bucky didn't know that. Bucky was told after he woke up from a memory swipe that he had been out for a week because Talisha messed up the mission and selfishly pushed Bucky into cross fire to save herself. Now he was pissed because once again he couldn't remember anything.

"I've been out for an entire week! An entire week without completing missions!" Bucky yelled sounding like the crazy winter soldier she had first met when they kidnapped her just a few months ago.

Talisha looked at him and it suddenly dawned her. They had swiped him and toyed with his memories once again.

"Those bastards." Talisha growled.

Bucky narrowed his eyes at her.

"What?" He asked. "Of course they did this. They must've suspected it. You wouldn't have said anything." She muttered to herself.

Bucky looked at her with confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bucky asked.

Talisha shook her head and turned around.

I have to get out now. She thought.

Bucky watched as she paced anxiously. She stopped and looked at him.

"I'm going to tell you something and it's going to piss you off." Talisha stated. Bucky didn't say anything. "Oh god please tell me this doesn't backfire on my ass." Talisha mumbled to herself. "Whatever they told you, was a lie." She said.

Bucky narrowed his eyes at her.

"What?" He asked. "Nothing bad happened on the mission. We eliminated the target and got out of there. As soon as we got back they swept you away and I didn't see you for days. Now you come back with some bullshit story and can't remember anything." Talisha said.

Bucky looked down at the floor. He wasn't sure about what he was hearing but for some reason it all seemed familiar. Like he was once thinking about what she was saying.

"They're swiping your memories. That's why you come back not remembering things and hear these bullshit stories that don't add up." Talisha said. Bucky shook his head. "No. You're lying." Bucky said.

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