Wish i could cut it out.

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Wish i could cut out all the pain in my life. 
All the negative people by my side.
The struggle i face time by time.
These sickness that people have to live with.
Wish i could cut it out like unwanted strings on my clothing.

Death you're  one thing i wish i could cut out of this world.
I've shed too many tears because of you. 
Hate you'll be the next to go.
You're destroying this world.
Wish i could cut it out like an appendix that makes you moan and groan.

Time sorry I'll wish to cut you too.
I don't want to get old.
Or have my skin all wrinkled with three quarter of my energy already drained from my living vessel. 
Wish i could cut all this things out wish i could, wish i could.

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