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AN: this is a AU where Tendou and Ushijima are classmates!!! Hope you guys wont get confused! They may be a bit ooc buttt heyyy this is my book so ill do whatever i want haha!!!! Thanksss!!! 💕

"Ushijima-san let's eat lunch together!!"

"I made some cookies for you Ushijima-san!!"

"Ushijima-san please go out with me!"

"I like you Ushijima-san!!!"

Damn. This girls are making my ear bleed. Poor innocent Ushijima is just sitting quietly at his chair while these girls are interrupting his peaceful time.

But the one that is the most pityful here is me since I'm the one that sits beside Ushijima and had to bear these girls shouting nonsense. Some of them even pushed me so that they could have more space with him.

I didnt mind them since I know Ushijima will give them the silent treatment and the girls will later admit defeat and go to their respective classes. Hah, usual daily routine.

I sighed and continued my drawing at the back of my notebook. I can say myself that Im an artist.

I admire and praised myself when I finished my drawing of a dead stick character that got shot by two stickmans. There were blood drawn as well for the effects. Creative, I know.

Now this should be posted at the museum. It could get more popular than Mona Lisa or The Last Supper. And people will idolize how awesome I am. Ahhhh, if only.

I was almost drowned by my thoughts becoming one of the most famoust artists until I heard something.

"I am in a relationship." A deep voice said which I know belongs to Ushijima. That line of his made the girls go bersek inside the room.

Damn, I almost fall into my chair when one one of the girls bumped my desk. Luckily, I balanced myself so it didnt happened. It pissed me a little bit that the girl didnt apologized but I shrugged it off.

"Oh my gosh who's the lucky girl?!"

"Danngg Im so jealous!!!"

"Break up with her Ushijima-san!"

"Wahh!!! It's the end of the world!"

"I want to dieeeee!!!!"

Ugh. Girls. I rolled my eyes at their reaction. They're exaggerating this so much. Why would they care if the guy has already someone? They shouldnt stick their noses where it doesnt belong.

"What is she like Ushijima-san?" A braided haired girl asked. I was surprised that she's calm at this.

I eyed Ushijima, trying to peek at his expression. As usual, he looks so serious. The girls around him didnt even fazed him at all.

His eyes widened a bit at the girl who asked the question. He looked so contemplated if he'll answer her or not until he caught me staring him. I flushed.

"She's cute and older than me." is what Ushijima said while he moved his attention to the girls.

They were surprised that Ushijima likes older women and I stiffled a laugh at the thought.

The girls kept asking more and more about what his girlfriend looks like. Whats her name. Whats her age and where does she study. Whats her year and section. And so on and so forth.

Jesus, girls are so creepy. They're like a stalker or something.

"She's tall..." Ushijima continued that made half of the girl lose their mind. Its funny watching it actually.

I rest my chin at my palm while listening to their conversation. I was getting interested at it.

"..and has red hair." Ushijima slowly looked at me that made my eyes widened. Okay, what the fuck is he trying to do?

It's a relief that the girls were too blind to notice the staring contest Ushijima and I are making inside the room. They still kept guessing who's the lucky girl that caught his heart.

While Ushijima still kept his eyes on me.

Im not sure if he wanted to say something at me so I raised a brow.

Then fuck, Ushijima smiles.

I facepalmed while blushing.

"He also likes to draw. Tendou's weird but that's what I like about him." Ushijima said.

I almost snapped the pencil I'm holding and looked at him. The girls that were shouting awhile ago got quiet at that.

Me and the girls mouth were all wide open. Evidently the word shock is written at our faces. Even our classmates inside our room went quiet and surprised as well.

Wait...what the fuck did he just said?

Ushijima gathered his things and stood up. I didnt know what to do due to the shock and nervousness Im feeling right now until Ushijima called my name that made me flinched.

"Oh Tendou. You forgot your Math Book at my place." Ushijima stopped at the door while staring at me. I tried to shooed him out of the classroom, which he really didnt get the hint.

Ah of course he wouldnt fucking get it, its Ushijima we're talking about.

"..and my mother expects you to drop by later since she'll cook your favorite curry." He added that made me almost smile. Almost.

I should be happy that Ushijima's mom will make my favorite dish but right now it's a different situation.

I hurriedly went to the door to stopped him from saying anything more. "Okay okay. I get it. Now move along before you'll run out of yakisoba bread." I whispered and pushed him away out of the classroom.

"Ill buy one for you too." Ushijima kissed my cheek. I blushed a bit at the contact but still managed to shoo him away. He smiled and finally started walking away.

Dang. This day is my worst day so far. I bit my lip as I'm gonna go back inside the classroom. To gather my things and to also explain the relationship about me and Ushijima.

I was thinking ways how to calm those angry girls inside the classroom. I let out a sigh while scratching the back of my head.

Ugh. This day really sucks.

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