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"Please teach me how to properly tell someone that I like them!"

Tanaka suddenly bowed at the couple that was staring at him. The said couple slowly looked at each other then to him with worry etched at their faces, especially the silver-haired one.

"Uh.....I don't know if you're asking the right guy, Tanaka." The black-haired guy shyly scratched his other cheek with a sweatdrop at his face. He looks uncomfortable with it.

"I'm begging you Daichi-san! I really really really wanted to go out with them!" Tanaka stood up straight with his face that looked so determined.

Never in his life Tanaka was scared of something. Sure you can tell him to jump off from a 3rd story building and he'll gladly do it or challenge him to grab the Principal's wig and wear it  infront of him. But now, he was scared of courting the person he likes because was afraid of one thing; rejection.

That's why he wanted someone to help him to avoid it, the first person he seek advice to is Nishinoya since he is his bestfriend and he is dating the team's ace. But Tanaka knows that Nishinoya is too much of a straight-forward person where Tanaka remembered him say:

"Gahahahahah that's easy! First, you gotta get close to them. Second, grab them by the collar. Then last, kiss them and confess that you like them! I did it to Asahi before we started dating, right Asahi?"

Tanaka wanted to disappear when he said it. It was easy to say but he knew he couldn't do it that way. Tanaka wanted to do it properly, starting with the basics so that the person he like would be comfortable with it and he wanted to look manly where he'll give them chocolates or roses.

He asked advice from many people but their advice wasn't helpful, for example where he asked the duo freak about it.

"Well I spiked a volleyball at his face then told him I like him more than I like volleyball." said Kageyama.

"It was sweet though so I also spiked a volleyball at his face then said the same!" said Hinata.

(Yeah, Tanaka would definitely not do that.)

"Then I gave him my favorite banana milk juice since I like him."  Kageyama continued.

(Heck, shouldn't it be roses?!)

"Yeah, it was sweet and I like it!" Hinata smiled at Kageyama.

(Tanaka was wondering why he even asked the two.)

"...something's definitely wrong with you guys...." Tanaka facepalmed where the freak duo took it as a compliment.

And so! His last resort was their captain since he looks so decent and Tanaka know he would probably give him useful advices.

"But I'm really not good at giving advices though.." Daichi gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Pleaseee tell me how you got Sugawara-san to date you! Just a little bit details will do!" Tanaka claps both of his hands in a begging manner.

Sugawara can sense that Tanaka was really desperate at the moment, proves enough that he really like that person. So he smiled and tapped Tanaka's shoulder that made the guy look at him. "Do we know the lucky person that caught your heart?"

Tanaka repeatedly nodded his head with a blush at his face.

"...is that person a girl...or a...guy..?" Daichi raised a brow when Tanaka shyly nodded his head at the last part where Sugawara gasped at that.

"Tanaka! I never knew you swing that way since you said you like Shimizu!" Sugawara said.

"I know, i know...of course..I like Shimizu-senpai and all...but he made me feel something I never experienced when I'm with her....it's really different when it comes to him because when I always see him, I always feel giddy. My heart beats faster all of a sudden and I'm shy when it comes to talking to him..." Tanaka scratched his bald head, trying to explain it easily so that they'll understand it.

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