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A/N: A bit of warning to you guys that they will be OOC!Especially our precious Takeda!  If you don't like it, then don't read it! Thank youu! And this will be long!

Raining on a Thursday afternoon wouldn't stop Karasuno's everday volleyball practice. Despite raining hard outside, the team is still on track- as they practice themselves to prepare for Nationals. I, as a teacher, only came here from time to time for mental support or to drop by if they are doing okay.- and also to see Ukai-kun's handsome, I mean, to talk to Ukai-kun about the team. Yeah, that.

Luckily today I finished early grading my student's tests, that's why I'm here right now sitting at the bench beside my not-so-secretly-boyfriend. Damn, his dyed blond hair with his headband looks hot as always. Anyways, Ukai-kun and I are dating for almost 5 months 9 days 7 hours 30 minutes and 27 seconds. Yeah, I know. I'm so sweet.

We still haven't told the team about us dating yet. They don't know a thing about it....or do they? Welp, It's not like Ukai-kun and I are hiding it or anything, if they found out then they'll found out- it also goes the same to my friends or family. I don't care what they will all say about me and Ukai-kun. What matters is we're so fucking inlove and happy with each other. Suck my ass, you homophobes.

They may deny it but my team looks gay as hell. It's obvious they are all gay with each other although I 100% would support them. Raise them rainbow flags, my bitches. Our team name shouldn't be Karasuno, it should be KarasuGay.

My crazy thoughts were cut off when a little fluff of happiness called my name. I noticed the team were all taking a break.

"Takeda-sensei! Can I ask a question?!" I smiled at that.

"What is it Hinata-kun?" Hinata came closer to me with a volleyball in his hands. I noticed Ukai-kun, who just finished scolding Tanaka and Nishinoya, stopped and leaned a little bit, trying to listen to our conversation. My smile widened knowing he was also ready to answer Hinata-kun's question, whatever it is.

"What's a blowjob?"

Me and Ukai-kun suddenly flinched at the horrendous question. Oh my godness, this child! I quickly looked around and sighed in relief because it was only three of us at the moment. The others were too busy doing their thing.

"Did-uh...did you just say...blow...job?" I lowered my voice at the last word. I pushed my glasses upwards as I felt it sliding down from ny nose.

Hinata beamed at that and nodded his head in response. "Uh-huh."

"Where did you learn that word, Hinata?" Ukai-kun calmly questioned.

"Well...I...I just heard Sawamura-senpai and Suga-senpai talking about it at the equipment room. I would ask them about it but it'll be rude if they knew that I've accidentally eavesdropped, so I thought that I should ask it to a more mature person!"

"What did they talk about in the equipment room? They-um..what did they actually say?" I didn't want to jump to conclusions quickly. I was forcing my mind that maybe the two were just talking about other meaning of "blowjob". Is there another meaning of it though?

"Sawamura-senpai said he wants a blowjob? And Sugawara-senpai told him that here is not the right place? But anyways Sawamura-senpai keeps begging Sugawara-senpai about it, saying he's the best on the whole wide world when it comes to giving blowjobs. I was so amazed hearing it but I dont know what that actually means?" said a confused Hinata.

"..Ah...." is what I only said as I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. It was really 'that' blowjob. I sighed and mentally taking a note to scold later the two mentioned names .

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