UshiTen (part 2)

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"So tell me Ushijima...what do you like about Tendō?" Semi questioned while grinning.

Ushijima who was peacefully eating his food stopped at the moment. The volleyball team were all at the cafeteria except for Tendō since he said he has some business to do at his classroom but he notified them that he'll catch them up later.

The out of nowhere topic made Ushijima stare at Semi then down to his plate. It took seconds for him to answer and they were all waiting for it....then finally the ace answered.

"I like his eyes." He only said.

Reon chuckled at the ace's answer. "Well Tendō's eyes are a bit big but yeah he does look cute with it."

Goshiki slowly chewed his food while joining the conversation. "Ehhh..but I'm really scared at Tendō-senpai's big eyes whenever he stares at me during practice."

Semi slapped the first year's back where the other winced. "Maybe it's because you're goofing around that's why he stares at you...and don't talk when your mouth is full!"

Shirabu only nodded as he was listening to their conversation. He was drinking his orange juice.

"And I also like his smile." Ushijima added.

Semi hummed, he touched his chin as he imagined it. "Yeah, you're right. It's funny that when he smiles he looks like a cat." He is also agreeing with Ushijima.

"He's like that uwu at the internet." Taichi butted in.

Semi bursted out laughing and said. "Oh my god, you're right Taichi!! That's why it looks familiar!!"

"Ehh....but his smile looks creepier when he's giving me advice on how to block the ball.." Goshiki complained.

"It's because you're an idiot who doesn't even know how to read blocks." Shirabu replied. Goshiki got mad and teased him at his unevenly sided bangs yet Shirabu said the same to his bangs as well. It was normal for the two to fight everyday, the team were already used to it.

"Hey, am I the only one that thinks that Tendō can kill someone brutally and he'll still smile while doing it?" Semi raised a brow as he questioned it to his teammates.

The five people at the table raised their hand except for Ushijima and Reon.

"Why would Tendō kill someone?" Ushijima raised a brow, his face that looks so serious.

"I don't think Tendō's that type of guy Semi." Reon sweatdropped.

"I was just saying! I didn't say that it'll happen in real life!" Semi raised his both hands, chuckling. "But seriously though I think he has potential as a serial killer."

Ushijima didn't say a word. He doesn't know what to say since he's still not used this. Ushijima doesn't talk too much with his teammates back then but with the help of Tendō, he gradually talk to them little by little, it's a slow process but he's changing.

"Okay, so enough about the what do you hate about him?"  Semi grinned.

Ushijima answered with his deep voice, he sounded confused. "...I don't hate him."

Semi laughed. "No, not like that. I know you like him so much, I just want to know what parts or sides of him you don't like or find uncomfortable. Well everyone has that, right?"

Ushijima thought about it while the others  were again waiting for his answer. They were all really curious to what he will say.

Ushijima loved everything about Tendō, from his red spiky hair to big eyes to his small mouth and his thighs, he loves the way Tendō laugh, when he hums or sings a song that is out of tune and when he draws stick man figures during their lesson. He's overall perfect for Ushijima but there's this one or two things that's bugging him since then.

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