Chapter fifteen

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"Alby!" Minho yelled, banging on Alby's door. "Newt! Get out here!"

   Newt opened the door a second later, Alby close behind.

   Minho gripped Thomas by the shoulders as he pulled him forward, grinning proudly. "Guys, Thomas is fast."

   Alby frowned, confused but Newt gawked. The blunt word seemed to make more sense to to him.

   "Okay . . ?" Alby said.

   "Why didn't you tell us?" Newt asked. "You could've been at the race!"

   "I didn't know, I guess," Thomas answered with a shrug.

   "Well, it's time you show us," Newt said, walking out and dragging Thomas after him. "Come on. Run down the street, show us what you can do."

   "Is this really necessary?" Thomas asked, slight exasperated.

   "Yes," Minho answered, giving him a shove. "Now go. Run. Do your thing."

   Thomas rolled his eyes but obliged, jogging to the end of the road and turning around.

   "On your mark," Minho said sarcastically. "Get set. Go!"

   Thomas sprinted down the sidewalk as fast as he could. His legs pumped and his arms moved in a synchronized motion. He didn't feel particularly fast but, when he came back, the three cheered.

   "Dude," Alby said in awe. "That was amazing."

   "You're almost as fast as Newt was," Minho complimented.

   Newt punched him in the arm but he was grinning. "Hey, don't push it. I was the only one who could beat you." He turned back to Thomas. "Point is, Tommy, you're incredible. And you're joining the track team whether you like it or not."

   "That's what I said!" Minho agreed.

   Thomas' cheeks colored under all the praise. "Guys, it was nothing, really."

   "Bull klunk," Minho said. "Guys he saved my life because he was so fast."

   "Woah, wait a second," Newt interjected. "He what?"

   Minho proceeded to tell Newt the story as Alby walked up to Thomas.

   "So," he started. "If I can get you on the track team before the next race, will you vote for me?"

   "Vote?" Thomas asked, turning away from Newt who was yelling at Minho for being so stupid.

   "Yeah. I'm running for student president."

   "Oh," Thomas said, thinking. That made sense. Alby was the leader in his dreams. It made sense that he's in the highest position in real life too. "Oh! That's cool. But no, you don't have to. I mean, I'll definitely vote for you. Just don't, um—"

   "Come on, Thomas," Minho encouraged sarcastically, turning away from his argument with Newt. "Make a sentence."

   Thomas stuck his tongue out at him before turning back to Alby. "I just meant you don't have to bribe me. I'll vote for you no matter what."

   "Thanks man," Alby said, clapping him on the shoulder. "But I can still get you on the team if you'd like."

   "How about," Newt started, putting a hand up to cut Minho off. "You stop making promises and start working on your slogan. So far, the only idea is "Vote for me or feel my wrath" and I don't think that's a good idea."

   "That was a great idea!" Minho protested. "My best one yet!"

   Alby laughed. "Let's just go inside. We can figure out everything in there."


Three hours later, they (Newt) had come up with a good design for the poster but were still lacking a good slogan.

   "Oh!" Minho said, slapping his hands on the kitchen table where they were working. "How about this: 'Alby is the best. He's better than all the rest'." He grinned, spreading his palms as if waiting for an applause.

He didn't get one.

   "As flattered as I am," Alby said flatly. "That sounds stupid and doesn't even say why."

   Thomas went back to his dreams, trying to think of something Alby had said that could work. Nothing came to mind. Though Newt did say something about what Alby learned once . . .

   "I can see the gears spinning up there," Newt noted, nodding at Thomas. "Care to share?"

   "Well," he started. "About this school, what's the most important thing?" He prompted.

   "That we all have each other," Alby answered immediately. "And that we're all in this together." He hesitated slightly before breaking out into a grin. "That's perfect!"

   Newt beamed, clapping Thomas' shoulder. "Brilliant idea, Tommy."

   Thomas smiled. "Thanks."

   For the next hour, the boys finished designing the posting, slogan and all. It showed a picture of Alby standing in front of the lockers, grinning happily. Underneath his picture it said, "the most important thing is that we all have each other. And I'm here for you." The whole is thing was outlined in a dark blue border.

   "It's perfect," Newt said, looking at it before passing to Thomas.

   Thomas had to agree. It really was as good as it could be. He passed if off to Minho who scoffed.

   "I still liked my ideas."

   "All fifty four of them?" Newt teased.

   "Fifty three," His friend corrected. "I agreed 'Vote for me or I'll feed you to my dog' was a bit much."

   Thomas laughed as Alby put his head in his hands.

   "Well, I like it," Alby said. "I'll go print some copies then we can hang them up in the school. You guys want to help?"

   Newt nodded immediately.

   Minho shrugged. "Got nothing better to do."

   "Yeah," Thomas agreed. He liked where his dreams were taking him. "I'm down."

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