Chapter fifty eight

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Gunfire everywhere.

Thomas ran away from Janson. Away fdrom WCKD.

They had taken Aris and Sonya, along with other Immunes Thomas didn't know.

But he just kept running. He had to get away.

"Thomas, go!" Minho yelled, aiming his shotgun at the approaching guards.

"Come on, Minho!" Thomas said, still running. Minho couldn't hold them off forever.

He crouched behind a crate, next to Newt. He peaked above it to see Minho still firing.

Then a guard came by with a Launcher, hitting Minho square in the chest.

Minho groaned and fell over as the electricity took effect. The guards rushed forward to take him away.

Something inside Thomas snapped.

And he completely lost it.

"Minho!" He screamed, rushing towards his friend as fast as he could. "Minho!"

He didn't care about anything else.

He didn't care about the guns firing around him, that he could die.

He didn't care that he wouldn't be able to save Minho.

He didn't care that WCKD would just take him as well.

All that mattered was Minho.


And Minho only.

Thomas screamed his name over and over.

He screamed his name when Jorge grabbed him, keeping Thomas from reaching his friend.

"Minho!" Thomas did everything he could to get away, but Jorge was too strong.


The guards pulled his friend into the Berg and Thomas knew it was over.

Minho was gone.


Thomas sat up, soaked in sweat and gasping for air.

It took him a few minutes to calm down and when he did, he realized he had tears streaming down his face.

He wiped them away only for more to take their place.

Thomas considered calling Minho, just to reassure himself that his friend was okay, until he realized what time it was.


Minho was probably asleep.

Thomas laid down again with a sigh, hoping to just fall asleep and forget everything.

But it took way too long for sleep to arrive.

He was too worried about his friend.

It was the third night in a row he'd had the dream of Minho being taken.

And when it starts repeating, that means it's about to happen.


Somebody knocked on the door that morning before school.

Thomas answered it to see Newt standing there.

"Hey," Thomas said through a yawn. He grabbed his backpack before joining his friend outside. "What's up?"

Newt shrugged, walking down the sidewalk. "Nothing really. Just thought I'd come by."


   Newt stared at him for a few seconds. "You alright?"


"You're a terrible liar."

"I know."


Thomas sighed. "I had another dream last night."

"A new one?" Newt asked.

"No," he answered. "Just a bad one."

They walked for a few seconds in silence until Newt sighed again.

"Do I have to ask for everything?" He asked sarcastically. "What was it about?"

Thomas just looked at his friend through tired eyes. He was too exhausted to argue but he didn't want to talk about it.

"I just want to help you, Tommy," Newt said quietly, his voice etched with concern.

"I know," Thomas answered through a sigh. "It was about Minho being taken again."


"I've had it for the past three nights." He closed his eyes. "That usually means it's about to happen. I'm worried."

Newt grabbed Thomas' hand and stopped walking.

Thomas opened his eyes, looking up at his friend.

"Don't walk into the street," Newt explained, nodding at the car that Thomas almost walked into.


"It's fine. But how does any of that make sense?" Newt asked, walking again. "Because WCKD can't kidnap Minho. In case you forgot, that's our school."

"Yeah." Thomas thought for a few seconds as they arrived at school. "But what if it's Janson who ends up taking him?"

"You really think our principle is going to kidnap Minho?"


He sighed when Newt raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, I guess not."

"That's what I thought," Newt said, walking inside. "Look, we'll find Minho, stick close. Nobody can kidnap him inside the school. After that, we'll just hang out until Phase Two is over. Sound good?"

"Sure." Thomas said. "But we have to-"

Thomas was cut off by the sound of commotion up ahead. He shared a confused look with Newt before rushing forward to see who was fighting.

He stopped short when he saw their principle in the middle of the circle of kids.

But Thomas rushed forward again when he saw who Janson was fighting.


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