8. Suspicions

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Kate POV

I knew Grace wouldn't be happy about Drake and I. But seriously? That's a bit much. Drake is the most popular kid in school. He's dating me. That's pretty awesome, in my opinion.

I don't want to end it. It'll ruin my social life forever. I'm gonna stay with Drake, whether Grace likes it or not.

I don't like to fight with my friends. Not at all. I wish I could find a way to make Grace not hate Drake anymore, but the only way for that to happen with the normal Grace, would be to make Drake smarter, and for them to have never dated. Like that's gonna happen.

"Have you noticed Grace acting different lately?" Caylie asks me, as we walk down the street towards the ice cream store. We do this every Tuesday after school. It varies which of our group of friends does it each week, depending on who has a free schedule. Sometimes we all go, sometimes it's just two of us, like today.

"Not really" I say. I hadn't noticed anything different, to be completely honest. She's acting just as agitated towards dumb people as normal. Just as hateful towards Drake as she usually is. Plus, I haven't really talked to her since yesterday on the bus anyways, so I wouldn't be able to tell that well.

"Really?" she stops in her tracks to stare at me. "Is that even humanly possible? She's been acting so different that I can hardly recognize her"

Caylie can hardly recognize Grace? They've known each other since they were 9! She must really be acting differently.

"Wow" I say, clearly shocked. "She must be acting really differently"

"She has" Caylie says, crossing her arms. There is a hint of concern of her face. This makes me wonder how Grace is acting. It must be something important. It must be something very odd.

"She's been late for class quite a lot in the past two days." She begins. Grace? Late? Really? "She has also been pretty quiet in class discussions, and mostly just sits there, listening." This is also really odd behaviour for Grace. She usually likes to take place in this sort of thing. "And she didn't accessorize, like, at all yesterday" wow. That's all I can say to that. "And last, when she found out that you were dating Drake, she said she was ticked off. That's all she did. At lunch, Ashlyn pointed out to her how weird this was, and she wanted to prove that it wasn't. So, she went over to your table, and, well, you know what happened next"

This is crazy. I can see where that hint of concern on Caylie's face came from. This is very different of Grace. VERY different.

"Wow" that's all I can say. That's all that makes sense in this situation. I don't know what else to say.

A/n- sorry for such a short chapter. I will try to update a longer one soon.


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